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Everything posted by BlackCat

  1. Taaffe was too distracted by the disturbing trends in homeowners insurance rates and the state of his lawn after this summer’s drought.
  2. A&M is basically SMU'ing themselves through pure incompetence and mismanagement. I've always believed they're the types to shoot themselves in the foot, but I never fully bought in to the idea that even their most successful and esteemed alums had some magical curse of dumbfuckery and humiliating instinct that wildly successful multimillionaire types would embody just out of association with the school. I never wanted to succumb to this type of attitude, but it's getting nearly impossible to not take as much enjoyment watching them stick their hand in the disposal over and over again as I do watching Texas play and win.
  3. I know MM isnt a big scrambler but how is he in short yardage situations? He's such a big dude, maybe some designed runs could improve things in the red zone? I keep missing Ehlinger in these spots.
  4. BlackCat


    These things will have you speaking in tongues. I only took a half and based on last night I think 1/4 still might have been too much. How are these legal in Tejas
  5. BlackCat


    Dude this killed me. Exactly what my brain thought.
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