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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. Shit, I missed this one. Luckily it's reairing today.
  2. I can't remember if it was at the sprint qualifier or during the race, but one of the announcers said the teams design their car to be able to handle the stress that COTA causes. If the car can handle it here, it will be fine everywhere else. That's embarrassing as fuck when there are century old tracks that they race on.
  3. Gotta save the bullpen for Spring Training.
  4. I like how everyone on the Fox broadcast last night said they thought it was not on purpose. Yet Abreu is being suspended for 2 games anyway.
  5. Arch Manning is not going to play here 5 years. If he's good, it will be 3 or 4 at most. Murphy has 2-4 quarters to see what he can do. If he's terrible, Arch is going to play sooner rather than later.
  6. The problem is Dusty is Porkins and not Luke.
  7. If Dusty and Maldonado come back it means Dana is powerless or a shitty gm. Doesn't really matter which because either way the Astros are still fucked.
  8. I can buy Ferrari not knowing that the plank was wearing too thin. Not so sure about Mercedes.
  9. So Prop 1 is a solution looking for a problem. I wonder what it's real purpose is?
  10. If Pressly wasn't going to pitch unless they were winning, you don't go in to the 9th with only Stanek and Montero left. You bump Maton, Neris and Abreu back an inning.
  11. I have used both Fubo and YouTube. DirecTV streaming is better than both. It's also the only one that you can get every channel you want on.
  12. The one about agriculture is being pushed so hard that I am positive it is a very bad idea.
  13. What if they don't even need Pressly tonight? You are saving him for a theoretical situation that may never happen. And if you insist he was unavailable, why not use Stanek earlier instead of Neris? Fuck, he's below Maton in the pecking order. We went in to the 9th with Montero and Stanek as our options. You can't explain that away.
  14. When is Pressly's funeral? I'm assuming he's dead because I don't know what other reason Montero and Stanek would the best two options right now.
  15. There's been talk for months that Framber was throwing too hard. Not sure why it took so long to get him to stop doing it.
  16. I think it was a brush back that got away from him. He did walk the guy before.
  17. I always thought putting your hands on an ump was a guaranteed suspension. This is some bullshit.
  18. There was no way it was on purpose in that situation. They would have absolutely hit him next year at the first chance, but with a runner on and no outs in a 2 run game absolutely not.
  19. I would like them to explain exactly how they can prove it was intentional.
  20. Oh look, MLB making new procedures to fuck the Astros.
  21. Appealed and nothing will happen until next season
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