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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. It’s more of a CYA from a custody perspective so she doesn’t try to pull some bs about me taking my daughter (no pics) out of the country without her permission. Thanks for the help everyone.
  2. Not at all. It was to clear up the difference between a Grand Cayman customs document (which they don’t care about if you’re flying private) vs. a document signed by my ex that the state requires.
  3. I’m basically trying to get the ex to acknowledge that she said it’s okay that my child can leave the country with me as per our custody agreement. Not terribly worried about customs.
  4. Grand Cayman. I’m thinking I can just type of some basic form and have the ex sign it at a notary. Current wife is going and we’re flying private.
  5. Is there a state level form outlining consent of the custodial parent to allow the non-custodial parent to travel outside of the US with their child? Agreement sites no specific forms, but the non-custodial parent needs to furnish all relevant info to the custodial parent and must have them sign all government level documents for the child to travel.
  6. Hamm makes fun of EJ for being a pizza boy and turns into an actual pool boy.
  7. Starting at the 1:03 mark of his Sr. hudl film, there's actually 3-4 plays showing him shaking tacklers and picking up chunks of yardage. Comparing the level of competition between Carthage and Katy isn't exactly apples to apples either. I'll be as shit pissed as anyone if we don't land any of the other 4 rb's that are mentioned as being on the board, but lets not pretend he's Tristan Houston 2.0.
  8. Teofimo Lopez just knocked Mason Menard’s soul out of his body.
  9. I’ve decided to park the train voluntarily for while. I’m realizing I’m getting in my own way, not being “there” enough for my wife and girls. I’m going to go old school and wear myself with working out, work, and my family. I have to do this. My wife and daughters deserve better.
  10. HEB brand kombucha. 6g’s of sugar per serving vs. the other stuff that usually has 30.
  11. Bitter, yes. Shitstarter, sometimes. Full of shit... eh. Debatable. Asshole? Absolutely. In the most endearing way.
  12. Some of the logos the group is considering. I'm digging the plane prop, the far right in the middle, and the kraken would be a great name.
  13. Or how about you go back to lurking and accept the fact that we have one of best qb’s in the big 12. You’re not some fucking college football wizard by stating our heisman qb candidate going into next year should sit on the bench. Shut the fuck up.
  14. The one thing I've noticed is that as long as it's on the bottom of the basket in the air fryer it all cooks evenly. Haven't tried throwing a whole bag of fries in yet though. We do pretty much everything on 400 for about 9 minutes and it pretty much always comes out cooked well. Did Samosas, dumplings, and chicken nuggets earlier and had zero issues.
  15. It doesn't matter how this shakes out. There will be a lot of fans, teams, and conferences really pissed. Hopefully it finally burns this bullshit system to the ground.
  16. There's nothing that needs to be discerned in my comment. If Rising or Thompson somehow become football jesus in the offseason, then yeah they should starts. Until then Sam is your QB and you should be fucking thrilled about it considering how fucking bad we've been at the position for close to a decade. Considering how shitty your takes are, your handle is fucking is the epitome of ironic.
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