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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. You’re saying that two dudes who’ve never taken a snap in a college football game could have a better year than Sam just had? Of course they COULD. But if they were that fucking good, they would have played. We just had the best QB play we’ve had since Colt by miles, have a chance to get ALL of our playmakers back, our OL get another year Unser McKnight, and you want to change that based off of one game? Take fucking break dude. Go sit by the garbage and think about what you just said.
  2. This. We're treating Orlan_o's defense like there's some sort of mysticism involved.
  3. Aggy is the North Korea of college football. A regime that has never done shit, is lead by an impish dictator, and is backed by a fake army.
  4. It’s Utah State. That alone should tell you what you need to know.
  5. Orlan_o is a great DC when he has an elite NT/DT
  6. He’s not any good. Even with a senior laden roster his defense took a HUGE step back this year. In our four losses his defense gave up around 40 pts a game. The only teams his defense shut down we’re either overrated or dog shit.
  8. Yeah, fuck your hair and weird mannerisms. You were the football bat of the defense. You can do that shit when you’re playing well, but I can’t think of time when he did.
  9. You throwing yourself a parade while you’re there?
  10. This is the perfect response. +rep
  11. Fuck the “pass” bullshit. Boyd was all conference whether you choose to accept that or not. Orlan_o was fucking garbage this year. No fucking way around it. The man crush for that fuck needs to die.
  12. This thread is fucking stupid. We were incredibly better on offense this year. Sam threw for 3000 yards against 5 fucking INTs. Our running game was ok. Play calling could be better but we were just fine and in every game we played because of the offense. Nevermind the Orlan_o shit show.
  13. Hard for 3 DL to get pressure when there’s 5/6 mother fuckers blocking them and you drop 8 every goddamn play.
  14. Everyone is hating on the offense but this fuck has been utterly useless all year. Please take the Utah State job.
  15. I hate every part of what you just said.
  16. The shocking part about it was it happened all season long. It bottles the mind.
  17. Great year. Hopefully we get the sugar bowl. We all knew it would be hard to beat OU twice. The shocking thing is the lopsided officiating but we can’t do shit about it. Hook ‘em.
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