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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. All this talk about being adopted, being an only child, and crack whore mothers looks like you’re blaming everyone for your upbringing. Stick to your wheelhouse. Shitty takes on rugby.
  2. Zepol is a good dude, but this is fucking hilarious
  3. Nah. It’s warranted. Plus, fuck OU.
  4. West Virginia is getting fucked real hard. Like @South Austin‘s mom hard.
  5. Someone in WVU pressbox should have been on it as well. There were two full minutes of the guy being down for someone to page Holgorsen.
  6. Jesus Christ you’re the most worthless person on this site. Or are you going to try to convince us that being good at rugby translates to NFL talent again? Your takes are as bad as your satire.
  7. Their draft grades will be their biggest deciding factor.
  8. I’m not going to dig through the this and last year’s recruiting threads to figure out where CTJ has stayed most of those signings were because of Carrington.
  9. The WR’a have played well enough for Meh to stick around for another year, regardless of his lack of recruiting prowess. The obvious candidate for turnover is Warehime.
  10. What in the actual fuck.... We actually have some young talent coming through the ranks and we're going to hire Berhalter?! Berhalter isn't some jag, but the issues with connecting play is what Spanish coaches are known for. Fuck this nonsense that Berhalter is qualified. Might want to check Lopetegui's resume. This is idiocy of the highest level.
  11. I’d argue that Sam has had a better season than Tua.
  12. Sam should be the front runner for the heisman next year.
  13. Ohio St. might be the shittiest 9-1 team I’ve seen in a long time.
  14. This cannot be true! https://www.statesman.com/news/20181115/texas-without-lone-star-beer-pabst-dispute-could-bring-last-call I’d be curious to know what the asking price would be should Pabst decide to shutter the Lone Star brand.
  15. Or these two desperate, loser fucks can pretend to shit on Herman while they continue to embarrass themselves. The two of them are the college football equivalent of smearing shit on the wall.
  16. T&P Hulk. Shit looks pretty bad at there right now.
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