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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. From Walton Bird Ranch in Millican TX. Highly recommend this place.
  2. You sound like you're stealing T-Boo 2's snacks out of the pantry.
  3. Theo was basically saying everyone has a price.
  4. Only one man can solve this kind of math. @Casual Encounter to the white courtesy phone please.
  5. This popped up on spotify while I was at the gym the other day. Love it!.
  6. It’s not that we can’t run a 4 man front, it’s that we won’t. Big fucking difference.
  7. This might be true had the defense, that has had the same players, continued to get gashed by the same plays over and over again. Our talent has improved on the defensive side of the ball, Orlando has not. West Virginia isn’t spinning some weird witchcraft. It’s the same fucking team year after year. Orlando isn’t game planning. Bottom fucking line.
  8. We have every right to be fucking mad about this. This fucking guy is making $2mil a year to not do a fucking thing. He’s actually getting worse.
  9. For the amount of money he’s making, results better be there. And they flat arent. The reason we were consistently out of position is 100% on Orlando.
  10. How the fuck does this happen every game now? We 300 yds of offense and 20+ points like it’s our game plan. This mother fucker has to be the most under prepared asswipe on planet earth.
  11. That was the most head scratching review I’ve ever seen.
  12. Didn’t we already beat you twats? You should be worried about Tech hanging 70 on your shitty defense. Take a hike, bitch.
  13. Well, the big 12 has figured out Orlando’s defense. It’s weird saying this, but offense is going to need to win a shootout.
  14. Sam needs to consider keeping some of those zone reads. The last two have had a ton a space in front of him.
  15. Guessing Holgo watched some OSU tape. Why have we not tried a 4 man front?
  16. Auburn looks like they've installed the GDGD offense.
  17. You're in California. This is known and is a totally different animal. Rather than ask what my brother in law is doing with his career, offer advice or peace out. Not that hard to figure out.
  18. He was going to buy a business and the deal fell through. Not sure what you’re implying but you’re not exactly being helpful anyways. Plus you’re not even in Texas, so yeah.
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