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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bad_teammate

  1. Hoping the Republicans caught a tiger by the tail with this one.
  2. Being Arch's teammate is going to be great for your social media exposure which will be great for your endorsements/deals. Better than Haynes King or whoever the hell.
  3. ESPN posting your Tweets all day will do that for ya
  4. My groupchats are full of hatred. As usual, I bask in it... which only pisses them off more.
  5. Yep! i'm bored now. Time to go watch Dancing With The Stars re-runs. See you nerds later
  6. This is excellent news; I am well-pleased.
  7. Quinn was chicken fried steak. What are we eating tomorrow??
  8. Up until 2020, NCAA football was just a bunch of Regular Joe students in there with their hardhats and lunchpails scrapping it out for the love of the game. Every year, male students would do try-outs for the team and use scrap, grit, and work ethic to balance rigorous academic pursuits with a little football. Sure their pads were worn out over the years and their lockers were rusty and a few springs poked through the top of the bus seat covers, but god damnit they worked together and put the team first.
  9. "operational rhythm" is such a beautiful phrase to describe the robot I love it. You almost got me, you bastard.
  10. Hell yeah Tough Guy Joe Biden fanfic lol
  11. I've got terrible news for you about the Democrats... they don't give a fuck, either. Presidency The Senate The House And what are they doing? Jack Fucking Shit
  12. When you age, things change. You get too old to chase your Chesapeake Bay through a marsh. Your wife gets a couple of tiny crossbreed, toy, hybrid designer mongrels you pretend to hate but your bones hurt and your joints hurt and you know you could never really chase Rock through the woods again like you used to decades ago. You wept for Moose. You wept for Hanz. Big, sturdy dogs who brought you birds you'd shot and chased hogs. Manly. Well-trained animals who knew the report of a rifle. And you get old. And the tiny, 5lb toy dog reads you like a god damned book every step of the way. And every "the only real dog is a big dog" pretense you have melts away. Gave the wife hell about you, but I bundled you up to visit the kids and grandkids. Carried you into Shipleys on one arm to get the grandkids their twists and bullseyes. Made you a special raw diet; 3 hours every Sunday and packed into containers in the fridge in the garage. Begged to figure out what I could do to keep you here. What the fuck is a god damned maltipoo anyway??? People keep going before I do. You weren't supposed to be one of them. If you're lucky, you live long enough for god to laugh at you. I'm a lucky man. Goodbye, Ace.
  13. 100% The problem is very obvious: Guns. We can lament the cowardice of cops. We can lament the detestable state of mental health. We can blame Satan. We can blame capitalism. That's all fine, but it doesn't matter because those things are unchangeable. What can be changed is gun laws. We must repeal the 2nd.
  14. You love to see it, just EVERYTHING we want in tackling form. - Do not run your hips into your target - If he's cutting, lunge immediately - Go high, wrap around the top of the shoulder pads - Stay off balance - Aim behind your target Textbook. Poetry.
  15. It's a relic of an irrelevant time and was poorly-conceived to begin with.
  16. "Look, buddy, he rubbed some Icy/Hot on the skin over the tumor, I don't know what the hell more you could expect of the doctor." Democrats aren't the only problem, but they are a MASSIVE fucking problem in our center-right/right-wing governmental duopoly.
  17. No need to do consumer-end legislation. Just ban the sale, manufacture, and import of all firearms and ammunition. Without mass industry behind it, this falls apart. People can talk about ghost guns all day, but that will always be insanely niche. And the existing massive stock of weapons and ammo will deplete and degrade over time. It won't stop the school shootings in 2023, but it will stop the ones coming in 2030. But we don't care. The Republicans want to make it easier to mass murder children and the Democrats want to preen and virtue signal. Thoughts and prayers, y'all.
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