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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fudbelty

  1. Didn’t think there was any way he was getting to that.
  2. Cena’s age seems to be catching up with him. He’s certainly much smaller than he was in his prime and I feel like it’s affecting his skill. Of course he’s still in one trillion times better shape than I’ll ever be. Edit: Shit he’s only 45. That’s still prime rasslin age.
  3. My son kept saying Mania was the 15th, and I never watch wrestling so I just believed him. My fault for listening to a 7 year old. We’ll be watching.
  4. You rebel. What’s next? You going to marry a stripper?(again)
  5. Someone put sauce on the outside of your taco.
  6. Fudbelty

    Getting old sucks

    I’m 43 and had my first ever X-ray on left hand. Blue area is supposed to be one bone. Apparently at some point I broke it, it obviously never healed properly, and now I’m getting arthritis. Absolutely no clue when it would have been.
  7. That’s a twenty something year old memory I forgot about.
  8. You know you’re tired when you fall All by yourself.
  9. I’m certainly no dr, but I assume boot is for immobilization while they combat swelling and treat with electro therapy. Next week seems possible
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