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Ogie Ogilthorpe

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ogie Ogilthorpe

  1. I used freedom boat club for about 2 years in SWFL, Naples location. It was good to help me decide what type of boat I wanted but had issues with the club. 1. You got 4 reservations at a time, 2 weekday, 2 weekend. But if you wanted a boat all day on the weekend it was 2 reservations, 1 for the morning one for the afternoon. Not a big issue if you are on vacation but if you are working it’s sucks as you never use the weekday reservations and we typically used both weekend reservations on the same day to get the boat all day. We felt it was better for retired/vacationers 2. People treated the boats like shit. When we went out we treated the boats like they were our own, others not so much, filet fish on the fiberglass, sand everywhere and general disregard for the boats. 3. If a cushion was lost or damage was do ethe would charge you for it but they never seemed to repair the damage or replace the cushions. 4. The Naples club had 2 offshore boats that were never available as they were booked so far in advance, up around sanibel not a big deal because you have icw to cruise but in Naples if you can’t go offshore you are limited. After 2 years we had enough and bought out own boat, more expensive - yes, but worth every penny.
  2. All lake o related. The algae blooms come down the river and wreak havoc. Up in cape coral there is also blue/green algae. Real think and smells like death. The water should flow flow south through the glades but the sugar companies own that land and force it east and west
  3. Red tide keeping me off the water this weekend. Dead fish everywhere, 400 turtles cleaned off the beach. Whale shark even washed up. The worst was a baby manatee clinging to its dead mother. It it is fucking brutal
  4. Rockstar. 30 x 60 = 1200.
  5. Gulf was flat yesterday. Rain held off. Great boat day
  6. No kids here but I Agree 100% about harbor house. Food seems a step up from the true fast food places like pescos bills which is close by. Sci fi dine in is great, air conditioned and they play old b movie clips. I think you can get a beer there too. If it not too hot there is a place by where the kids train to be jedis that you can grab a beer and watch, entertaining for both adults and kids. I have taken my niece and nephews many times and Japan is great in Epcot if the tyco drums are playing beer/saki for the adults, entertainment for kids, basically any pavilion in Epcot has entertainment for kids and beer or drink for adults.
  7. I thought it was from the copper buttons they had on their uniforms
  8. Seeing the boat on the lift always makes me nervous
  9. Great boat day in SW Florida yesterday
  10. Rockstar fell out of the ugly tree and hit a few branches on the way down.
  11. Don’t think there will be another serial. It caught lightning in a bottle at the exact right time. Proved podcasts could be commercially viable
  12. Yes shittown has been mentioned. Great podcast
  13. Started Covert, first 3 weee on the killing of bin laden. Decent podcast
  14. Just flush for 3-5 mins per engine
  15. Not saying the jets will lose
  16. The flower is playing out of his mind.
  17. Jets 4th line seems like their best line tonight
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