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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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About Nice Guy Eddie


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    Let's get ramblin'

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  1. Every accusation from them is a confession. Does Tim Pool still pretend that he’s a liberal who’s not a paid shill from the GQP or Russians?
  2. Comparisons to Germany in the 20s and 30s seem appropriate. I don’t necessarily see GQP as fundamentally evil as the Nazis but their supporters are very similar to the general German public. They’re pissed at their prospects in life and use nationalism and bigotry to improve their lot. I see America teetering where one side is a nationalistic leader who creates a new America. I thank god that Trump isn’t in his 40s.
  3. Dan also believes that the Trump jury deliberation wasn’t long enough. Um, do we really believe that the Texas Senate spent more than 5 minutes deciding on Paxton? I know they took longer for appearances but it wasn’t really a longer deliberation than trumps jury.
  4. Except they heard 5 weeks of evidence and the defense effectively offered no defense. And as far as it being 34 counts. It was basically 1 crime repeated 34 times.
  5. Moderate Republican running for office? Come on man.
  6. Reading social media where stupid GQP (and Mike Johnson) want SCOTUS to proactively review the case. liberals should jump on that given that we would go right to the last appeal. I’m all for fast tracking the appeal so he has to serve his sentence, pay his fines or in theory have the conviction overturned. Let’s do it.
  7. As Texas inches closer to the potential of flipping blue, we will see more and more extreme protections attempts by the gop. They can’t envision a bigger disaster than every statewide office being a Democrat. I have no doubt that they want one county=one vote as we always see their lame maps showing how much land overwhelmingly votes for the gop.
  8. It’s a bit redundant but with both you can look to see how the precheck line is moving before deciding which line to go through. You basically get to cut the precheck line but the overall speed depends entirely how many CLEAR agents are there. I only have CLEAR because it was a free perk with my credit card. Not sure I would recommend it to someone who had to pay.
  9. Who pissed in your cereal today? I wasn’t attacking you for your travel style but you decided to be a dick back at me.
  10. Lounges are a step above sitting out in the fray, and getting mediocre food for free instead of paying for it. I find that the demand is so high for entrance that there is usually only 1 or 2 free seats when I enter. One leaves, one enters process. Given the current lounge experience, I'm surprised we don't see more ultra-lounges (or whatever they would be called) that require 1st class tickets or platinum status.
  11. Maybe that’s the distance the taser will work. If they’re unsure of the distance, fire off the taser and the results inform them of the distance.
  12. you can attempt to teach parents how to call via voice on the mobile. Siri call 911, or Siri call my lazy son.
  13. Guarantee that the LA police will see you at 40 feet and as they walk towards you, you're now in violation of the law. It's the citizens responsibility to remain greater than 25 feet away irrespective of the police's behavior. This all may vary depending on the citizen's race.
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