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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dnaguy

  1. Dnaguy

    Shit My Kid Says

    Backstory: 5 year old pukes in upstairs bathroom when kids are supposed to be showering. When I go to clean up and ask what happened she says she has a headache and maybe sick. She needs to have her temperature taken. Dinner: Wife - Oh no, DNAgirl. Why were you sick DNAsister (7 year old): you know how she gets. [backstory is that the youngest pukes at the drop of a hat… which sucks] DNAgirl: I need my temperature taken [I take temp and it’s 97] Me: it says you’re ok DNAgirl: Oh. Well now I remember. Me: remember what? DNAgirl: DNAsis and I were playing upstairs and when she held my neck I felt sick and threw up. [DNAwife and I look at each other] DNAsis: [silence] {glare of a thousand suns at DNAgirl} Seems as if some kiddos are losing iPad time this weekend for their little conspiracy…..
  2. Someone better at photoshop than me needs to post the Limewire meme with the caption: ”Me posting the same meme on Surlyhorns” With the Buccees cruise ship on the computer screen.
  3. If people can just go and work for whomever will pay them more or treat them better, then all companies would be forced to also offer better pay or better conditions. This would result in a viscous cycle that would cause a huge redistribution of $ and wealth from the haves to the have nots. These communist market efficiencies like this have no place in capitalism edited bc little people already get the short end of the stick. @BehoId, The Underminer!- respect
  4. My guess it would be more like this…..
  5. In Texas, ex-oil and gas workers champion geothermal energy as a replacement for fossil-fueled power plants (click2houston.com) Interesting. Can't comment on the economics. But interesting nonetheless. Do places like Bozeman, Montana which happens to have a lot geothermal activity have any geothermal electrical generation?
  6. Is it just me, the simulation, or just the fact that trump hates the story so much that makes me wonder if Trump has fathered a child out of wedlock?
  7. To be fair, the justice system was never designed to or for protection of the Republic. It should work slow as state removal of liberty is big AF. The people through their congressional representatives were given the ability to impeach, remove, and restrict from office those who would imperil our system of government. There's no such thing as 'beyond a reasonable doubt' in politics. However, half the people are broken in their brains. Partisan interests have trumped loyalty to the constitution due to monied gentry, religious zealots, and legally anthropomorphic corporations using their $ and power to pervert the very system of government meant to represent the people. Instead it represents entrenched wealth and ideologues who themselves prop up power hungry sociopaths who use politics as a personal means to enrich themselves. And therefore the only real lever designed to protect us has been perverted to the point where we have to rely of the justice system as a last resort.
  8. October 7 to November with 13”, in 9th grade, and you ended up not being the biggest dick in school?! Damn. Did you got to Yates?
  9. It wasn't sex b/c he's too small for actual penetration?
  10. I agree. With The amount of holding back he’s had to endure, one touchy engage can cause him to lose control and spill his whole seedy enterprise’s catch and kill operation. Trump would be ruined.
  11. My buddy in Houston got one of these plans after he got his Tesla and started charging it and deep cooling at night. It didn’t quite give him the savings he was after. So he got two of the Tesla batteries installed (solar panels were back ordered) He’d charge his car, batteries, and get his house down to like 65 at night. Use the battery during the day. His bill dropped by at least half. They finally got his solar panels in and installed them. It’s a rare month where he pays anything for electricity…. Which is nuts to say in Houston, Tx. I don’t know what his ROI is for what he dropped…. But his feeling that he’s hacked the system gives him something that’s hard to quantify
  12. Yes. You got to eat for free from the pizza buffet on your break.
  13. My first job was working in the midway at Gattitown making that sweet government salary of 5.15/hr as a 15 year old so this hits close to home….. But seriously seeing that facade just gave me flashbacks. So many missed opportunities… like the time the teen mom (who seemed SOOOO much older than me but was probably 17 or 18) that I worked with ‘thought I was cute’ and asked if I wanted to see her clit ring on our break. Being a total and complete wiener I politely declined, likely having my voice crack in the process, and returned to operating the VR rollercoaster [Narrator] And it would be multiple years before he would have the chance to see a vagina in real life as DNAteen was not what you’d call a ‘ladies man’. Yes, his chubby nice guy persona was matched with Family Guy quotes and Simpson references. This was what we like to call the holy trinity of for late 90’s / early aught inexorable teenage celibacy.
  14. The seemingly half court republican press (no pun intended) against her isn’t an accident.
  15. I’m not tied into this but there has to be a synergy in which you drop the price of electricity low enough to unlock economics for desal which then unlocks some further efficiencies in electricity production to lower cost and which then allows for pipeline operation further and further / replenishment of aquifers by pumping water back into them. However, this feels like something of a 60’s space race style commitment by true statesmen, planners, and critical thinkers…. a true moonshot.
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