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Everything posted by stork642

  1. This would be terrible for the team which would significantly increase your post count. So that’s a big no.
  2. Quite the hairy situation SC finds itself in these days.
  3. Texas has had more TDs called back in this first half than opposing oline holding calls against Sweat and Murphy all season. Seems legit.
  4. He was out of bounds. B12 refs doing work tonight.
  5. It’s almost as if the B12 has hired officials that have fucked over the conference’s biggest cash cow consistently over the last 10+ years. They would never do that right? That wouldn’t make sense would it? Have you actually been watching the games?
  6. Those fake national championship plaques aren’t free.
  7. Total team player. Can’t say enough good things about the player he is and really hope the best for him.
  8. I was down on X last year and rightfully so but he has really impressed me this year. Glad he’s turned it around. We will miss him next year.
  9. That makes a lot of sense. The outcome is all decided before hand with the refs just following the script veiled in complete incompetence. I’m just surprised opposing online don’t hit our dline over the head with metal folding chairs. I guess uncalled holding works equally well.
  10. He’s telling his team we don’t need to play little games to beat these cockroaches. This is what is coming for you TCU try and stop it.
  11. Me trying to get up for another bourbon after an OU loss https://www.facebook.com/share/v/Q5iR6iVcqrDqnw9t/?mibextid=KsPBc6
  12. OSU/ Big 12 refs with the victory. Love it.
  13. Watching how bad the refs are fucking OU I almost feel sorry for th…who am I kidding. I love it.
  14. That dud is a personal foul waiting to happen. Looks like he’s about to stroke out every time they show him on the sideline.
  15. OSU got away with a big hold on that last play.
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