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Everything posted by stork642

  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNNNvd_nESD/?igshid=r28ow5jxep4a Speaking of MGP. This any good??
  2. Can someone photo shop this in the parking lot?
  3. CDC dropping 20’s. No wonder Beard was impressed. Also CDC walking into the office Monday morning...
  4. Well yeah...UT bought the only one.
  5. They should name it Creek Water as a FUPM.
  6. Oops. Should have been more specific. It’s for Fusion series #2.
  7. You don’t seem like your normal positive self today. Is everything ok?
  8. Today I saw Bardstown #2 and WR Double Oak SP each at around $60. Should I prioritize one over the other or just get both?
  9. I’m not proud of it but this was pretty much how I reacted watching that play.
  10. For the record I truly hope DW is innocent and none of these women have been assaulted but damn......22. It’s not looking good. As always none of this matters until the facts come out. But damn 22?
  11. That throw looked way bigger because of his tiny hands.
  12. It’s California. Doesn’t everyone get a trophy?
  13. Sorry so late but I’m just now seeing this. Brendyn’s is the only place I would recommend in Nac. Not sure there’s anything that good in Lufkin.
  14. Not giving up on the 1792 FP. I drink everything neat so I’ll try again with some ice. It’s just a little hot for my liking.
  15. I am definitely enjoying OF 1910. 1792 Fool Proof not so much.
  16. My biggest concern is what Meghan Markle thinks about the EOT. Has she weighed in yet?
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