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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. I wonder if Josh cleared this with his donors first. Wouldn't seem like it. Also, LOL at the "fancy universities with powerful donors." Like Stanford, maybe?
  2. What a fucking crazy picture for this headline. "So cold it'll kill you!" or "Cold enough to blow your head off!" They misspelled "peace" I guess.
  3. I bet they were thinking, "damn, this guy is hard core -- double booked with another 3am meeting!"
  4. Sorry, just reread your post. We didn't move here until 2013; her term ended in 2010.
  5. I realize everyone responds differently but I usually bite off half a 25mg gummy every night and I get a tiny buzz (equivalent of one beer) and sleepy. I've also taken oxy-whatever after a herniated disk in 2017 and 2022 and the high is about the same. How anyone would make both illegal (or in the latter case, available by prescription) is regarded.
  6. Capn Crunch that hasn't soaked in milk for 3 minutes was like eating Legos.
  7. IIRC this has morphed into the Moms for Liberty thread, no? Well, then:
  8. I read a story in the NYT during the 2008 financial meltdown. The writer had a diverse career, including time in Iraq as well as financial writing about Wall Street. They (can't remember if it was a man or woman) said that the most entitled people they ever came across were Wall Street types and Baathists functionaries from the ousted ruling party under Sadam. Black women saved this republic in 2020. If you want to reword that to "played an important role" or something like that, I'm OK with it. If the very thought of it bothers you, that's a you problem.
  9. "You don't want to be the guy who replaces the guy. You want to be the guy who replaces him."
  10. That's Byron Donald from FL who is a fucking moron. Aaron Donald from the LA Rams would be a better congressman.
  11. I would like to introduce you to Peter Theil
  12. I have a type . . . And for the record, a little chub never hurt anyone.
  13. Donald Trump’s Bid For Absolute Immunity Likely To Fail After Court Arguments Three appeals court judges appeared ready to reject Trump’s argument that presidents cannot be prosecuted for ordering the murder of their political opponents. By Paul Blumenthal
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