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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Wait until you read the latest Family Circus where Billy walks 50 miles trying to get from A to B. It's a knee slapper!
  2. Of course Glover drains the 30' bogie putt. Jesus.
  3. Hey now, pushing the special Diet Coke button while screaming at an aide to tune the TV to the gorilla channel will take its toll on anyone!
  4. OK, if Glover can pipe his drive after his right foot slipped 8" on his follow through it just might be his week (again). And if Jordan's birdie putt misses by one long blade of grass on the edge of the cup it just might not be his week (again).
  5. Cantlay chipped in to join Spieth at -13. And Jordan just hit one of the worst chili dips you'll ever see. He and Hovland are making a mess of the 10th. Jordan drops to -12.
  6. This tourney feels like everyone is just wiped out from slogging through the heat & humidity all week. It looked earlier today with guys shooting at pins & dropping putts that the field was going to reel in Glover. But it's like everyone's hit the wall, the putts aren't falling, and Glover is just Steady Eddie-ing his way around the course. Holding out some fireworks on the back 9.
  7. Jordan with 2 (should be 3) birdies in his first 3 holes. One back of Glover. Rory is off to his usual blistering Sunday start.
  8. And they're under weather delay. Sounds like another 30-45 minutes before they start back up.
  9. Jordan (left) and Viktor (right) both missed the fairways on one then both stuck their approach shots inside the leather. This could be a fun pairing. And Jordan blows the birdie putt.
  10. Is this a sneak peek into Joe Rogan's leadoff topic on Monday?
  11. My bad. Must've read the leader board wrong. Glover missing that birdie on 18 brings a lot more players into the mix.
  12. Rory with 3 straight birdies to get to -11 then blocks his tee shot right of right. Jordan with the unlucky roll through the green on 16. Needs some Spieth touch on his chip shot
  13. Back to back birdies for Jordan. That's it. He's gonna shoot 30 on the way in.
  14. What's uglier: Hovland's double bogey on 18 or the ridiculous logo patches on his shirt? Viktor, you won the Memorial this year. You shouldn't have 6" iron ons for sponsors on your polo. Tell 'em you want embroidered shit on your kit.
  15. You wouldn't think so, but he's playing with house money right now and is acting like he has zero pressure anywhere on his game. Jordan missing the green badly right from the fairway is so frustrating. Going to have to lean on his putter for par here.
  16. Glover's putting into holes 2" wider than everyone else.
  17. Glover's two under through 2. His only mistake so far is wearing dark blue pants so his ass sweat is going to be visible all day long. Scottie just lipped out a 2 foot par putt. Yikes.
  18. Glover chips in on the 1st to get to -11, 2 strokes ahead of Jordan and the rest of the pack that's charging along at -9. Sure looks like you'd better card no worse than a 67 today if you don't want to get left behind.
  19. The last 4 holes Jordan's gone birdie-bogey-bogey-birdie and just stiffed it on the par 3. He's 7/17 GIR today.
  20. Which campaign workers will he fire in response to the megaphone incident?
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