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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. Best win so far $22.10... i will join you guys with some tickets as soon as i get some time to figure it out.
  2. Too funny. I wish I was getting paid for it. I do a lot of traveling but home on the weekends. We only work on the Lego set Friday night while we listen to tunes and have some drinks. It's perfect for us to reconnect after the week and "bond" while we build. I think we will do the big Star Destroyer next if I can figure out a place to put them .
  3. It's Falcon time again 2.5 hours. Starting to fill out and look familiar. Can't wait for the lights to be installed. Tried to get participation for the background and she said maybe next time. Women...
  4. As strange as it sounds, she has ended up loving building this thing. She's happy, drinking and singing the entire time. I am the one that gets frustrated because of the small pieces and taking too much time building. Damn sure is making memories and quality time together most of the time
  5. LOL. Man we are trying . Should be finished another month and a half at most . We only work on it Friday nights
  6. oh she's way better looking and she has small hands so things look huge in them
  7. Im actually cheering for Blake. This guy is living his dream coming back and coaching for Texas. He put it all out there as a player and made mistakes, but i know damn well a lot of us (including some of the surly 1%) would love to be him right now. Dude seems like he's living a pretty good life. Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
  8. We're back building the Falcon ! 2.5 hours I have said it before but damn this thing is detailed. Might do a video so you guys can see the inside of the millennium falcon and how much engineering went into this thing
  9. wait a minute ... you must have lost weight from this pic to be that fleet of foot
  10. wait a damn minute here homie. Sark has been coaching with these guys for awhile now. I would think he would know who is a good defensive coach if he is the offensive genius we say he is. This shit gets so confusing
  11. seems like he definitely hit the auto destruct button
  12. Thanks The Dude for asking for clarification, Im hurting for this country man. I hate what happened. I am embarrassed as an American by these dumbfucks. It was a huge deal. I was trying to say earlier that I don't agree with any violence, but agree with all peaceful protest. I wish I was articulate enough to explain how I really feel . Just worn down by what seems both sides polarizing everything. I usually just stick to the lighter boards and avoid political shit
  13. " they need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. "
  14. I understand what you are saying, but I think its hyperbole to think that these 20k fuck ups would have accomplished anything besides destruction of property and embarrassing themselves and their families in front of millions
  15. I love and hate this site they were extremist dumbfucks . A bunch a dumbass folk using their ignorance to think they have a mandate and they need to be prosecuted to the full extend of the law.
  16. They weren't going to overthrow the fucking government. JFC
  17. I get $7 if I match Yotta, if not another .25
  18. How in the world will being an owner of a strip club help a marriage ???Can you imagine the nightly drama and having your marriage involved, around or engaged with it?
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