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Everything posted by retread

  1. That's another bullet point on his resume.
  2. I've had LifeLock for quite a while. They're pretty good about letting you know if there's unusual activity. I also have Credit Karma (it's free). Not sure if Credit Karma alone is an acceptable level of protection. You can place an initial fraud alert with the three credit agencies. I just had to do it with one, and that one notified the others. I used Transunion. If anyone tries to establish credit in your name, the creditor will receive an alert, and I think you are contacted. That lasts for a year now (used to be shorter). If you freeze your credit, I believe that you have to unfreeze it for any new credit inquiries. Nominal fee to do that. Two threads https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/8769-so-i-have-been-identity-thieved/ https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/6964-identity-theft/
  3. He just said.... We have internal polling today that shows us doing very, very well. What about quotes from your advisers about bad polling? Those advisers don't exist. That's fake reporting. Some have said that that was the best speech ever by a President on European soil. I'm not saying it, but some people are saying that.
  4. Like a frog in ultimately boiling water. Temp. is at about 170° F right now.
  5. He locked on to her like he was going to take her home with him
  6. The Ds better get their licks in while they hold the House b/c the Rs will go in dry when they get control again.
  7. If nothing else, his implosion will be entertaining.
  8. ^ Take It Easy (Eagles) too Opening: 320033 => 032033 => 030233 and back to 320033
  9. They don't know where he killed them right?
  10. We can buy the equipment w the wreath fund and get into the bidet business.
  11. Kicking the can down the road is SOP at this point.
  12. So Mexican officials were supposedly meeting in the WH with US officials trying to iron out a list of bullet points that they were already abiding by? I could see the officials playing Spades over some good tequila and snacks. At the end of 3 or 4 days, give Cheeto his victory.
  13. It's harder when you're first starting, but I like to rotate between songs. Get some where I like them, and then revisit ones that I haven't played in a while.
  14. What better way to earn money than to make $775 a night for keeping immigrant chilidren in cages?
  15. That's the most moronic point of all. Many of the immigrants trying to come to America want to contribute, to live their lives, and to make America stronger. We put them in internment camps under the most deplorable conditions. The 40% huddle in their homes afraid of the hordes of MS-13 standing outside their back door.
  16. Yep. I much prefer the G with the ring finger on the big E (6 string). Makes going from C to G much easier. JMDJ, as you play more, your fingers will remember what these chords feel like. It's hard to explain, but it's almost like there's a groove that your fingers fall into when you go to play a certain chord. It will become second nature to play all these chords.
  17. Then next year around election time, he can pull that shtick back out and declare that Mexico hasn't been doing their fair share.
  18. Hearing great things about Ingraham's plastic surgeon
  19. You may be right. His calculation may be to dribble out documents one at a time to run out the clock. If he can make it to Jan. 2020, then maybe Pelosi doesn't impeach.
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