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Everything posted by retread

  1. Tune in Monday to see if Mexico holds up their end of the bargain...
  2. Too many things are being normalized for us to return to normal. Holding SCOTUS nominees hostage for over a year, ignoring subpoenas, claiming blanket exec. privilege, etc. I think Trump wants to be impeached, and he wants it as close to the election as possible b/c there's no way he's getting convicted. I also think Pelosi knows this, and she's trying like hell not to give him what he wants. So he shits on the Constitution on a daily basis, and she concocts new ways of dealing with it, like insulting him and making provocative comments. There is a mechanism built-in by the Founders to deal with this. I think Nancy is going to run out of time, and Trump will get the red meat of the scarlet "I" on his chest that the 40% will love.
  3. bump for more tips from Surly guitar players...
  4. Look at me making deals over here!
  5. Is that in line w current asylum law, making them remain in Mexico?
  6. Fuck that Droopy looking MFer. In a HOF of soulless assholes, he certainly holds his own.
  7. I thought that was his Game Boy? ^
  8. I can appreciate a clean desk, but with everything going on in the world, he doesn't have one piece of paper that he needs to review?
  9. Would that be like holding up a D-Day ceremony to blast Pelosi with gravestones in the background?
  10. Fresh Air replayed this interview today https://www.npr.org/2011/03/11/134423135/dr-john-a-new-orleans-legend-in-the-hall-of-fame
  11. Remember that time Obama bowed.
  12. Any reasonably successful businessman/woman would perform with infinitely more humility and respect for the office. Many/most would realize they don't know anything about running a country and would get the best possible people around them.
  13. Days and days of stories about the importance of alliances and the incalculable cost of human sacrifice in WWII. Take this time to solidify our alliances in the 21st c. and maybe head off any potential WWIII?? Nah. Shit on one of our most important allies and rub their face in 75 year old dog shit. MAGA.
  14. By not impeaching, not only are we normalizing Russian aid in a national election, but we're normalizing tyranny and zero legislative accountability/oversight.
  15. It's like Hugo said yesterday. Everything is just a troll. What can we do on today's TV show that's more outlandish than yesterday? It's like he's just killing time, and he tries to find stuff to do. Nobody ever stops him from throwing shit on the wall, so let's do it some more.
  16. Video is shaky at times, but here's one. Starts around 19:00. 26:00 is nice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50WrSsI9QhU Another w maybe better video
  17. Russian writer's comments on Ep 5. Pictures show up in the link. Quote below is text only. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1135689238597574656.html
  18. I'm picturing a piñata and a blindfolded child with a stick.
  19. You could tell that he wasn't thinking about mutual sacrifice or valuable alliances as the Queen spoke. You can only imagine what he was thinking about. Then he stood up and gave his 3rd grader giving a book report speech following the toast.
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