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Everything posted by retread

  1. Somebody must have interfered with the election. The real polls had us up by 10 points.
  2. The pathology with him is disturbing. You see every other president age 10+ years while in office. He's so self-absorbed that it's kind of a high for him. Everyone's always talking about him. He has scores of advisers kissing his ring. He can act with impunity.
  3. Mitchum antiperspirant works for me. Some smelly assholes itt.
  4. Florida is making progress. Slow, but progress. Maybe they can wean him off of Barney floats in favor of real pneumatic women.
  5. ^ Good one. It's hard to imagine a lot of the scenes without the songs that go with them.
  6. It's incredible that the stress hasn't gotten him. Still say there's a decent chance he loads the whole Hee-Haw gang on AF1 and flies off to Mother Russia.
  7. What would you say the most important personalities or organizations have been in promoting Trump? We've discussed several of them here. Rush - liberals are evil and they want to destroy America Pastors (local and national) - SCOTUS justices NRA - have they been as influential as the first two?
  8. I don't know how it would play out, but I'm sure some less friendly countries would love to use Iran as a proxy to get a few shots in at the USA.
  9. I hope you're right. I don't think there is any bottom to potential Trump treachery. He will sell the US down the road if it will buy him time or save his skin.
  10. Minimum of 28 deaths out of many thousands? WH:
  11. Wouldn't be surprised to find out a year from now about some quiet reassignments/shitcannings done to prevent further attacks against Mother Russia.
  12. It's not like they're gassing them! - Trumpkins
  13. Count is up to 9 now per CNN. https://fox4kc.com/2019/06/18/a-new-jersey-man-is-dead-after-falling-ill-in-the-dominican-republic-his-family-says/
  14. Return of Freedom Fries? :crossesfingers::
  15. Old tricks = best tricks https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/18/us/politics/patrick-shanahan-defense-secretary.html
  16. Saw Dances with Wolves last weekend. I noticed the Love Theme sounds an awful lot like Stranger on the Shore (in Mr. Holland's Opus). I wonder how he got away with that (if he did). Still a great movie. Starts at :1:05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4D6lNpoyZs?t=3959
  17. Yep. He got elected in no small part thanks to Bannon's buzz words of Build the Wall and Lock Her Up. We are so screwed.
  18. For all the reasons that hg listed, impeachment should have started as soon as the Mueller report was released, or when Barr refused to testify. There certainly is a game within the game of timing everything out. I just don't think Pelosi and co. have as much time as they think. With all of the out of session dates, the meat of 2019 is slipping away with each passing week. As uninformed as the average voter is, their attention span is equally poor. Try starting impeachment in Jan or Feb. Many will have long forgotten the Mueller report. I think the Ds are going to have to force this issue and stand strong against any criticism. There need to be 10 hour hearings every day that they're in session -- preferably in one setting (impeachment inquiry). All of the Ds going on TV and pushing the get-all-the-facts narrative is great, but there are so many disparate narratives out there, that it's just noise to the voters imo.
  19. Didn't someone post an article saying something to the effect that the Senate had to take up the impeachment case and vote on it? I think the Rs in the article said that it would be dispensed of quickly. Go Team R!
  20. They'll lock up 30%+ of the votes just by repeating Socialism over and over.
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