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Llano Estacado

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Everything posted by Llano Estacado

  1. Known, longtime issues in Bandera.
  2. mdl, your wife find any spindletap or parish?
  3. Half drunk. Half chub. Tell me where I’m wrong?
  4. I’m so keen-o on my beef-a-rino. Such a delicious cuisine-o.... ...RUSTY!
  5. Note: I’m the normal person “I” can be replace by “married woman”
  6. No, but they got the chocolate. We'll be going in with a lesser Babka.
  7. “You know about condoms, right? If you aren’t man enough to buy some rubbers you aren’t man enough to be sticking your dick anywhere but your own hand.” -Llano Sr sometime in middle school. Sage advice.
  8. Should have moved to Baja and drank MAAAASSS TEQUILA!!!!
  9. Cheater’s Game album. If you haven’t heard it Hulla. Husband and Wife laying it down. Edit: Cheater’s. Not Chester’s fried chicken
  10. Duck of Death is a -1 on that scale.
  11. SNL WU? Can you break that down for me? It’s all so complex.
  12. Odd. Canned Swiffty. Drinkin mug. Guy. Mr Grouper, IMO
  13. Pasta Primavera! Back on the horse.
  14. 4.5 hrs? That’s a lot of Joe and a shit ton of Alex Jones.
  15. Well, let's sprinkle some crack on him and get outta here.
  16. Similar approach here I’ve seen around the webs. Haven’t reread it in a few years. http:// https://www.etf.com/docs/IfYouCan.pdf KISS. Budget. Save. Invest. When you invest KISS. That’s one of the things that annoys me about Ramsey. Now he’s marketing his program (okay a man has to make a living) and his endorsement on “professionals” (mortgages, investing, insurance, etc.) When really his program pairs much better with Boglehead, IMO.
  17. Lonestar - 4.7% 140 Cal Lonestar Light - 3.8% 110 Cal Lonestar 24/7 - 2.1% 68 Cal Guesses on the first two. I don’t mind Lonestar probably drink it 1/2 as frequently as Meeler lite especially if it’s a buck cheaper. Is there really a market for AB Mich Ultra or Bud 55 drinkers(is that still a thing) that wish for a weaker Pabst beer?
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