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Everything posted by hullabelew

  1. I like Dirty Years. I always wanted to use The Mystery Dates as a band name but no one else has every liked it.
  2. Good lord, the harmonies on that Larkin Poe. That chick is phenomenal.
  3. I'm in Texas helping my mom as my dad is dying. We are keeping him at home as long as we can take care of him. He had been in a rehab facility for 6 weeks. Each day it gets harder and harder to do. He needs to be in a hospital and then a nursing home, but keeping him here makes him rest better and he is eating again. He can barely gain the strength to speak but the light is back in his eyes. We spend the days watching westerns. If I was still drinking, this would be impossible. I would be of no use to him or my mom asked would easily be making an ass of myself. And I fucking hate it about Bash. Just fucking hate it. As a friend says, stay reachable, stay teachable and stay humble. Sent from my Lenovo TB-X606F using Tapatalk
  4. Opinions on pet insurance please. Companies you like and any to avoid? Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  5. Petty has a TON of them. That entire Highway Companion album....pick any song...or just do the entire album as a movie.
  6. We had a Catahoula/blue heeler cross that was the best cattle dog we ever had. Also a kelpie/heeler mix named Rehab who was a fantastic all around ranch dog. He would have made Hank The Cow Dog proud. I LOVE mixed dogs. Somehow, they seem to get the best temperaments and traits of each breed. About half of our full blooded dogs (aussies and border collies come to mind) were just OK while the mixed breeds were almost always great. The only full blood breeds that were consistently great were the blue or red heelers.
  7. Both of my acoustics sound better than when I bought that, and that includes the fact that my hearing has degraded over that time.
  8. Last one....I promise. I didn't like the studio version when it first came out, but this live version turned my opinion around. Plus, Carol Sue Hill.
  9. With Stan and Howie and Carol Sue Hill at Live Aid in 85. This live version and the one from the Pack Up The Plantation tour just kick so much ass. Mike's lead tone with Benmont's keyboard. Momma.
  10. Yep. That clip made me cry. What a sad, sad story. Also, Stan Lynch may have been (or at least acted like )an asshole and he took a lot of shit for his studio antics, but that fucker was incredible in a live setting and his background vocals were an EXACT match for Petty's voice. And I agree, the Greatest American Rock Band. And American Girl has been my favorite song since I first heard it on the debut album. To write a song with that drive and that feeling and soul...and the motherfucker doesn't even rhyme. You can tell his back is killing him in this clip....his last two songs.
  11. We have to take her back to the shelter for another heartworm treatment and we have her on crate rest and daily meds for 60 more days. She was really in poor health but in 3 days, she has really rebounded. Very alert and she and the other dog are tolerating each other at this point. She loads up and sleeps in her crate with no problem.
  12. That is a kickass Twitter Account! Thanks for posting it.
  13. New dog in Casa de Hulla. Adopted from local shelter. Undergoing heartworm treatment and weighed only 43 lbs 2 weeks ago at the shelter. Now up to 50 lbs. Chill AF. Est at 4 yrs old. Knows sit, down, stay and knows that when the pickup beeps, you go sit by the door of the truck. I'm really worried about her hips. Have appt with our vet on Monday but if we can give her a few good years, all will be cool. We used to have a GSD that was a trained hearing assist dog so my wife has wanted another for years. Meet Fräulein Matilda, aka Tillie. Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  14. Wow. Never knew this existed. What a train wreck. On the plus side: String Section Sex Kittens: 5 stars Never knew Gary Rossington played the drums.
  15. There is a huge difference between religion and spirituality. A guy at rehab told me that religion is a guy sitting in church thinking about fishing. Spirituality is a guy fishing, thinking about God. Sent from my Lenovo TB-X606F using Tapatalk
  16. Aggy was losing when I started watching Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  17. One of these things is not like the other. Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  18. Previously mentioned Heart in the big hair, Sue Ennis, Diane Warren phase. REO Speedwagon when they let Kevin Cronin pussify the band and move Gary Richrath to the background. Fuck Cronan and his power ballad fuckery. I don't mind the commercial licensing stuff...,.people have to pay the bills, but Heart and REO just made me sad. Sent from my Lenovo TB-X606F using Tapatalk
  19. McMurtry: Copper Cantina, Choctaw Bingo, TT: Before The Devil Knows Were Dead, Bird Hunter Bruce Robinson: Larosse, Sixteen. When It Rains Sent from my Lenovo TB-X606F using Tapatalk
  20. Rott pups are at the house for a couple of days. Of the 5, one died around 4 days and another died two days ago. Other three are thriving, one male is HUGE.
  21. The Mormon church has been buying up farm and ranch land for a long time. I think they are the largest single land owner in Florida (timber production in the panhandle along with citrus in central FLA). They now own several ranches in Texas, completely destroying the tax rolls in a least one county in Texas. They own thousands of acres of farm land throughout the midwest. And they made a serious run at the Waggoner a few years ago. If that had happened, it could have seriously hindered 6 counties. I know they are supposed to pay taxes on farming and undeveloped land but amazingly, the ranch they bought near Chillicothe appears to now be classified as "for religious, educational or charitable purposes." Funny how that works.
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