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Everything posted by Gunsup

  1. I also had that issue and ended up calling FHS and they just told me to show up on the one month anniversary of the date of the first poke with my card and they would give me the second shot-I'm going to trust them on this one.
  2. Just found out about 'Covid arm. Mine showed up Tuesday after getting the first dose on the 25th-not looking forward to the second shot...
  3. He wanted to be part of the new space program but the govt wouldn't take anyone (even him) without a college degree.
  4. Biden did a better job in 15 minutes speaking about the Bible than Trump did in 4 years, and he means what he says (I hope). I really can't fathom how evangelicals could follow someone who's actions go against everything Jesus himself would do (or not do).
  5. What's the consensus on Ehlers longboards? I'm wanting to get a longboard after not riding since I was a kid and have been looking at different boards. I don't need a tier 1 board, and the components of the drop down I'm looking at (just for cruising only) look decent-Bear Grizzly trucks and Blacks bearings, etc. Most of the stuff I've seen on Ehlers boards is fairly positive.
  6. He'll handle it same way he did when his intelligence community found evidence of Russian interference in the last election.
  7. Again, the plan going forward in the Trump camp needs to be campaign stops every night in a different city (hopefully different states) every night until the election. I want to see him melt on the podium.
  8. Gunsup

    Whatcha reading?

    I like most of Pearlman's books, but this one is really good so far. I never realized just how much Kobe was disliked by almost every Laker for the first few years he was there.
  9. The Know Nothing Party in the mid 19th century pretty much had this strategy down to a science.
  10. I truly hope he pushes physically pushes himself to the limit in the next three weeks with a campaign stop every night leading up to Nov. 3rd.
  11. Did anyone see the movie "Dave' with Kevin Kline? I can't help but think he'll be in a coma in the White House basement within the next few days and Mark Meadows will hire a Trump impersonator to play Trump driving by in a limo or boarding AF 1.
  12. I never understood how Trump came away in 2016 labeled as a populist. He's about as far removed from his base as he could possibly be, but 'he's one of us!'
  13. That also continued into adulthood.
  14. Why is this not brought up by the media every time an athlete kneels? https://youtu.be/l7gHdF5ogL0
  15. Probably a pissed off corpsman. Their advancement quotas really suck right now.
  16. Band members of the Marine Corps Commandant's Own don't even go to boot camp, and come in as SSgt.
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