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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Capn81

  1. No. Plays that mean nothing and leads to a first down by the other team mean something to you????
  2. I like shit that matters. A big hit that means nothing doesn’t move my dick an inch.
  3. Fuck You for not demanding more. Our fucking fanbase more focused on the sheep fuckers tells you the story.
  4. What a Fucking joke. This team, and coaches, suck.
  5. They have no clue what they are doing. I am now sure of this.
  6. Honestly, I cannot even bring myself to click on the link.
  7. Sounds great except for the fact that our coaches will still try to feed us this hot hand bullshit. Also, does this account for replacing the guys on the line that we will lose next year?
  8. Illinois and Rutgers would like a word with you.
  9. Not sure how he comes back this time. SVP tweeted to him today about doing a piece for him tonight.
  10. Orlando’s defense was not prepared again, and you want to make him a head coach?
  11. How are these places still getting subscriptions?
  12. Herman fucking blows hard if he is an offensive coach. And Todd Orlando is a sub-par Defensive coordinator if his team’s cant fucking be ready to start a Fucking season.
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