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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. Looks to me like their gross margins are pretty flat. Perhaps there are other reasons profits increased. Same store sales volume increase? Lower expenses. Looks like to me they had a really shitty 2020 -- which is not surprising -- and the margins returned to normal.
  2. You think everyone in Charlottesville who was protesting the removal of Lee's statue was a neo Nazi or white supremacist? I guess with you fucker's insane definition of racism and what is a white supremacist, you probably do think that.
  3. What facts were misrepresented? The grant includes crack pipes. And prioritizes distribution to minorities.
  4. He very clearly said he was not referring to neo-Nazis and white supremacists who were there.
  5. Were you all in on the "good people on both sides" horseshit narrative from the left?
  6. Snopes: Mostly False. Joe Biden isn't handing out crack pipes to black people. He is handing out crack pipes and syringes to black people.
  7. Weird. Because it says it includes safe smoking kits in about three different spots in the government's Program Grant document. https://www.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/grants/pdf/fy22-harm-reduction-nofo.pdf
  8. Isn't that exactly what he's doing? Funding the handing out crack pipes?
  9. Cancelling to me means stopping other people from listening to a speaker or consuming a product. It does not mean deciding you no longer want to listen to a speaker or consume a product. Politics in sports has drastically reduced my consumption of pro sports. I am not trying to preclude other's abilities to do so. It's the difference in not attending a speech on college campus as opposed to lobbying to get the speaker cancelled so others cannot attend.
  10. Did this old white racist male also promise to filibuster the SCOTUS nomination of a very well qualified black woman who was sitting on the DC Court of Appeals when O'Connor retired?
  11. Winter Olympics are my favorite. Have not watched any yet. Mainly because I dislike the Chinese government.
  12. You have a hard time voting? Who does? I am for ample early voting in person -- everyone should use an ID. And measures to prevent ballot harvesting. Most of Europe has no or limited mail in voting.
  13. Everyone has the same access to vote. Voting has never been easier. There are weeks of early voting in Texas. Some of the most restrictive states are northern, liberal states. As to gerrymandering, it has happened for over 100 years. It is why democrats had a stranglehold on the House for most of the 20th century. It is also an issue caused by the requirement for minority majority districts. Democrats still do it in states they control but don't like it that the GOP is now doing it now that the GOP wins statewide elections in a majority of the states. What proof do you have Abrams really won?
  14. You should read the order. He's on probation for a year but has his license.
  15. The neighbors issue is why I am a fan of high fences. People want to kill way more deer than their property can sustain.
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