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Everything posted by wd40

  1. bonus points for the Jungian thing, sir.
  2. I'll bet the vurps were epic. obligatory
  3. the way I approach it is to run the highest pressure I can get away with. it's just faster, and holds up better on drops and high-speed corners, as mentioned above. nowadays, for me, that's about 30lbs. if it's a sort of wet day, or extra-dry and dusty I'll let out some air until I'm hooking up for the particular trail. funny you mention gauges and squeezing: my old floor pump's dial went out of cal, a while back. I would squeeze to double check it. turns out my my hand sort of had a mind of its own and wasn't applying consistent pressure, over time. it was like, "yup! feels good!". turns out I had trended downward around 10psi without even realizing it. was wondering why the bike felt so sloppy. comes in handy for The Stranger, I suppose.
  4. got to 4 and asked my wife, as she was passing by, if she'd heard of this game. she then got it on the fifth try, which is cool, because it was really two words.
  5. browned up some boudin from Earl's in Lafayette (good shit), melted a little provolone over the top, then lightly warmed up some leftover beef tenderloin from Christmas Eve in the same skillet, and walla, a burrito to hold me down in the hot tub after snowboarding all morning. may have to do it again, tomorrow.
  6. probably wrapped too tight for New Orleans
  7. not to derail, and I can't speak for Bosch (ze Germanz make everyzing komplicatit), but dishwashers are really not that hard to work on. mostly just uncomfortable. or call Todd at AMS to see if it's really kapoot. dude can fix anything, and for a reasonable price. but to your point, you need to realize that a dishwasher nowadays is just a sterilizer. with low water pressure mandates, it ain't scrubbing shit, so you'll extend it's life if you minimize the debris you ask it to grind/filter.
  8. that actually helps him in leading the league in holding calls per game.
  9. when you get settled in for a nap and realize that you kinda have to pee.
  10. to be fair, we've seen how you cook bacon, so...
  11. a little disappointed Connor "The Claw" Williams didn't get selected.
  12. looped into the kitchen for a wine refill and noticed no one had done the dishes after the steak dinner I cooked. figured the least I could do to help out was clean the plate I brought the meat in from the grill on. back to work.
  13. maybe it's some California Ghost Reaper sauce and that's all a human can take.
  14. this is actually a more reasonable suggestion than you might think, considering he TWICE hung around for her to take a dump to then kiss her goodbye, on the last page of this thread. it was framed as a complaint, but I'll bet there were some yada-yada-yas in there. and now they're in Germany. OOMPAH!
  15. 'tis indeed the season for night riding. keep your head up and be careful of fallen trees lurking in the dark, kids. the shadows can play tricks on you.
  16. buncha nerds consumer electronics snobs up in here. -------- wife came home to make meatballs and spaghetti. ever the great project starter, I get to finish it up, including the plating. here you are, dear
  17. 16-27mph winds today on Buchanan (allegedly). Strava says I got up to 9.5mph. but it also says I gain 48' of elevation. I turned it on on the beach. got a little hairy, at times.
  18. been wanting to watch Star Trek II again, so picked up the dvd, this week. decided to watch it with the fam tonight, none of whom have more than a vague familiarity with the original tv series. fine. opening credits are rolling, naming all the major cast members, wife laughing at "DEEforest" Kelley. oh, boy. gonna be one of those nights. whatever. Chekov and Terrell are captured on the Botany Bay. "Khan" starts taking off his mask and whatnot. wife: is that Rod Stewart? me: ...
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