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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. I mean, our secondary sucks and their pass blocking is pretty much perfect, so nothing gets through. And Penix is accurate is fuck. And their wide receivers catch everything. I'm not sure what magic you want from PK there.
  2. Run ball, get touchdown, get defensive stop, repeat three more times, easy game.
  3. Coaching malpractice. Doesn't make any sense at all. If they take 3 and we go get 7, we're still very much in this thing.
  4. We're gonna make the halftime adjustments and win this by 10. I'm telling y'all.
  5. Y'all need to get your minds right and get on board for the big win.
  6. My understanding is that it's a script of plays for situations like 1st and 10, 2nd and long, 3rd and short. It's not "play #11 will be this no matter what."
  7. Nice to see Quinn get going a little on that drive. But we need to be 2-to-1 runs-to-passes in the second half. And for fuck's sake, let's get some pressure on Penix before he throws for 500.
  8. Keep fighting, y'all!! They can't stop us, either. Let's fucking goooo!!!
  9. They have to damn near kill our QB to get a 3-yd penalty.
  10. Plenty of time to get some points. Even a FG helps. Keep fighting.
  11. Still a penalty-free game by one of the most penalized teams in the country.
  12. That is legit coaching malpractice. Four runs in a row against the best run defense in the country that you've already thrown for like 200 yards against.
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