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Everything posted by ulukinatme

  1. Can't fix the original, here was the info
  2. We've got a hot dog stand near our house called J & E. Got a text from the wife: Autocorrect tryin' to help a brotha out. Maybe I serve her my coney later tonight.
  3. My parents weren't into Sci-Fi when we were growing up. Back in the early 90s there was a lot less Star Wars exposure of course. So, one weekend we visited my uncle and he had TIE Fighter on an old Windows 3.1 box. I watched him play, then I stayed up that night and read this short story about a TIE Fighter pilot that was packaged with the game. I ate that nerd shit up, got my uncle to let me borrow the disks without my parents knowing. Our computer couldn't quite run it, so I had to save lawn mowing money to buy extra RAM and figured out how to upgrade our IBM at age 11. Even then I still had to figure out how to use memmaker in DOS to get the game to launch, I was so proud when I finally got it running. Dad caught me playing once on our home computer when he didn't want anything installed on there, I got grounded. Eventually I got a boxed set of the original trilogy when the Special Edition was released years later. Rest is history. TL:DR: I was manic for video games growing up, still am. TIE Fighter on PC back in the day led me to nerd culture.
  4. Someone call up Romeo Rose and see if he can make an appearance.
  5. Dave Matthews Band Amy Schumer Most music today Bumper stickers, why deface your vehicle? (I'm cool with magnets that support good causes) Tattoos on hot chicks, for the same reason as the last one. Ruining good real estate. People who buy the latest smart phones each year.
  6. PS5 for sure, same reason as Continental. PC Master Race means I pickup PS5 for some exclusives and that's about it.
  7. Same guy did this voiceover:
  8. "We're gonna need the Amberlamps." Nice callback.
  9. Don't you know they only make statues out of racist white people? Clearly this guy was a slave owner or something back in the day.
  10. I dated this crazy girl about 13 years ago. I had a steady job and was done with school, she was graduating and planned to move to Seattle for a few years to work for Equal Rights Washington because they'd pay off her school loans. "Helping the Homos" as she put it. She wanted me to pack up, quit my job, and go out there too for a few years. I said no thanks, maybe we'll try long distance for awhile. Fortunately we ended the relationship before she left anyway, but she's still out there today. Got to imagine she loves downtown right now, it's paradise! 😄 Can't believe the local government aided the CHAZ by giving them additional barricades and support, only to have them move their borders farther out. That mayor should be ousted. Even Portland wasn't stupid enough to let them get a foothold with their own version of the autonomous zone, they've been clearing people out as soon as they try to re-establish a location.
  11. https://nypost.com/2020/06/20/my-terrifying-5-day-stay-inside-seattles-autonomous-zone/
  12. It's like kids that run away from home, only to camp out in the backyard and mommy still brings them snacks. They don't want police in there, they shouldn't have gone in. If I was an officer I'd let them sort their own problems out.
  13. Would love another X-Wing/TIE Fighter. TIE Fighter was my first exposure to Star Wars all together, played that before I had even seen the movies.
  14. My guess is it's going to be a port of BF2 because EA are a bunch of bastards. I would like a flight sim with ranks, progression, and actual missions but the closest Rogue Squadron is the last game to check even some of those boxes and that was 20+ years ago.
  15. Standard doors are 80 inches tall, while a suit of T-60 powered infantry combat armor can go 84 inches or more depending on the user. I would contact your local contractor and look at expanding your entryways.
  16. Damn you, EA! Would have liked to see someone else release this. My first dive into the Star Wars universe actually came from TIE Fighter on PC back in the day, didn't see the movies until much later.
  17. I'm pretty sure there's a mod in the Feed the Beast pack with something like that. I tend not to do farming though.
  18. I've had a number of run ins with the law in my younger years. Most of them were for speeding and fender benders, got to the point I nearly lost my license (And probably should have). All the officers I've ever dealt with have been super cool and understanding, save for one. I've lived my whole life in suburbia though, and I'm white, so I've been fortunate to get the nice treatment. That one guy that was a prick was a well known prick in my old hometown. Pulled me over when I was 16, I was neckin' with a girl in my car in the back of her subdivision. He could tell I was scared shitless, he started making a lot of threats. He kept making accusations that we were trying to steal construction equipment and other goods from the nearby lots being built. What the fuck is a 16 year old going to do with construction equipment? Do I have a backhoe in my trunk? He wanted to search the vehicle, wanted to administer a breathalyzer, pulled my gf aside to confirm she was there of her own free will, then planned on calling her father until she pleaded with him to let us off with a warning and we wouldn't be back. We weren't even fuckin', we were just makin' out. This guy had nothing. Things didn't get physical or anything, but the guy was well known for his abuse, he enjoyed the power trip. I can think of at least 10 run ins I had on the road where I did get a ticket though, and several more where the officer let me go. All those guys were cool. There was even an incident recently where my red headed son decided to swipe a $1 toy from the store. I thought I'd stage a mini-intervention to curb future sticky hands in the future, so I took him down to the station to have a talk with with the police. The officer that talked to him was awesome, very kind and really got through to my little shit head. We then submitted the toy as "evidence," but not before we went to the store and I made him pay the cashier for it.
  19. You can't really block highways to protest. People complain about the rioting and looting, and the other side's response is, "Is the damage worse than taking a life?" The problem is when you're blocking highways, you can and are costing lives. There are nurses in home health care that take administer to people on ventilators, and give out medication to those that need it. My wife took care of a woman for 5 years that was a quadriplegic, without someone there to watch the patient and give her meds she was at high risk. There's also the fact blocked traffic means ambulances aren't getting through to the hospital when there's a critical situation. I'm sure there's plenty of other situations that are similar, but the bottom line is blocking traffic on the highway isn't providing a solution, it's creating more problems and putting lives at risk.
  20. For anyone that is lazy, 2nd video:
  21. This was a chase about 20 minutes north of me, September of last year. Multiple views from cruisers and body cams. Suspect shoots at police multiple times during the chase, once clearly at 7:00 in. After a long chase there's a pursuit on foot.
  22. I'm not sure Sarah Silverman should have been in there, doing a parody of the Imagine collab that she was also a part of.
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