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Everything posted by APMP

  1. No big deal, just getting love from two of the biggest stars in the NFL. JJ and Julio Jones (Falcons #11). Just a regular day in the life for our man.
  2. Hey, nobody can say we aren't concentrating on our opponents. Anything to the contrary is, quite simply, pulp fiction.
  3. Crazy stuff can happen in a short series. A dominant outing from JV and an offensive explosion to chase Glasnow first time through the lineup should calm everyone's nerves. My H Town brethren need to make sure that the Juice Box is rocking. Speaking of which, the juice puns (Minute Maid vs. Tropicana) are gonna get old fast...
  4. Season 3 drops October 4th.
  5. I laughed. Seemed more appropriate in this thread than in one in Music.
  6. We own the tiebreaker against the Yankees, and I think we will soon own the tiebreaker over the Dodgers, but one of y'all can check me on that. I think the World Series home field advantage tiebreaker if we have the same record will be division record because we didn't play interleague against them this year, and we are six games up on the Dodgers in our respective division records.
  7. Hope Pulisic responds to the recent lack of first team minutes positively and takes on the challenge.
  8. Repeat... One of the great innings eaters of his generation. Pulled after 87 shutout pitches.
  9. Pulling JV after 87 pitches when he's battling for a Cy Young makes zero sense. Unless JV is hurt, which he didn't seem to be. WTF Hinch?
  10. Thread photo for hate thread next year
  11. Springer Brantley Reddick Tucker Marisnick Straw 6 outfielders, obviously can't take all of them into the ALDS round (not sure if Straw will be considered a good enough infielder by Hinch). Tough decisions coming up.
  12. Hope Pulisic was just being rested in advance of the champions league matchday
  13. Everybody knows the fiancee is the real agent, skipper, and all around boss for our boy
  14. Anybody got the goal videos? Reddit is being annoying on my phone.
  15. Official Club Astros DJ George Springer trying to control the music from the third row is a recipe for strife...
  16. The video guys are surely checking for tipping pitches
  17. Cautious optimism creeping in. Astros are on fire so attention is becoming focused on the Superdome...
  18. Been wearing em around Austin and getting several "Go Stros." Trucker hats gonna have to be a yearly thing.
  19. Need that crowd on this drive as we rachet up the blitz pressure
  20. This has been a HOSS performance from our OL (losing Chaisson on that twist notwithstanding).
  21. Who wants to roll the dice and go for an onside kick
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