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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. Well shit, why didn’t McCarthy just declare the House in recess and never let them vote him out in the first place?
  2. Is that Matt Gaetz running full speed into the room ??
  3. It is truely amazing that after losing 7 out of 9 times, TX can’t get fired up for this game. It also amazes me OU isnt bored as shit with this “rivalry” and still feels any anger whatsoever.
  4. Tried to rip our QBs neck off? Sorry didn’t botice that. No foul of course. breath on OU QB 0.3 sec after starting slide?? Of they see that!
  5. 4-D chest move: Dems should propose legislation allowing open carry with assault rifles, machine guns and granades with unlimited ammunition during caucus meetings just like the founding fathers wanted it! Then stay the fuck out the building on caucus day!
  6. We definitely got the fuck around part down, lets just hope we don’t have to find out
  7. Holding call?? On opponent?? lottery ticket time
  8. Looked a little Coltish for a few seconds
  9. In my experience those who have strong visceral reactions to seeing gay couples or causual homosexual interests are usually harboring strong homosexual tendencies. There is a good chance your MIL has licked some clit and your wife’s uncle wears a bra and panties (NTTIAWWT)
  10. True, but counterpoint- "extremely selfish" is essentially a prerequisite to hold those positions these days.
  11. Just returned from LA after dropping off my kid for college. Spent a week every day from 9am-midnight out and about shopping, eating, attending sports events and tourist sites. Amazingly I didn’t get robbed, assaulted, raped or murdered once even though I wasnt open carrying. Also didn’t see any crime being committed except for a couple trophy wives misdriving 500k vehicles. I feel so lucky to have made it out alive!
  12. If this has already been covered then my apologies but can one of you law dogs explain the concept of sueing the judge overseeing your case? Is that really a thing available to defendants or only something Trump can do for whatever perfectly sound legal reason?
  13. A bank wire from Beijing with Joe’s actual house address listed seems totally legit. Was it also addressed to “Crooked Joe Brandon Biden”??
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