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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. You say that like that's a bad thing
  2. I am not sure if it is ok to speak to your assistants like that, but I gotta say these are the lyrics to next big hit if you can put it to a catchy rhythm!
  3. Unfortunately Shummer is a puss, like almost every Dem. If Shummer had balls he would say.... Well guys because of Senator Tommy and the GOP's inability to control him, there will be no breaks at all. No summer recess, no Thanksgiving, No Christmas, No nothing. Emergency session after emergency sessions to pass these appointments till they are all done. If you guys don't like it, talk to Tommy.
  4. In their defense, they will likely be telling the truth about that. They will also leave out that their kids never call them though...
  5. "the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make."----->[Alito/Uncle Thomas' Brain] --------> "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!"
  6. Making a statistic out of a group of voters from 18-34 and equating that to the voting percentage of people who just turned 18 seems a bit disingenuous, but sure lets go with that and pretend that 18yr olds and people in their mid 30's are the similar in their civil participation, or that Texans don't become more conservative in their voting as they age. I would absolutely love for you to be right and I hope 100% of those 4 million 18yr olds vote, but I have been hearing about the incoming threat to Pub rule in Texas for decades so I guess I will throw out old tired tropes to save my sanity until proven otherwise. The pubs absolutely own Texas and will do whatever it takes to keep it that way regardless of your statistics or demographics. Texas Republicans terrified?? LOL.
  7. You know what would solve this stubborn inflation, urban crime, and climate change all at once?? Massive tax cuts for billionaires and corporations! Love, GOP
  8. Key points Transient ischemic attack and minor stroke are highly predictive of a subsequent disabling stroke within hours or days of the first event. The risk of subsequent stroke after a transient ischemic attack is between 2% and 17% within the first 90 days after the initial event. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3134717/ Unfortunately he has that sweet socialized health care plan so he will probably live for another 50yrs without any issues.
  9. They should not remove the clot until for at least 9 months. Every clot is sacred and itis god's will.
  10. Need a head count for the 'Shit on Mitch's Grave Tour 2023". Need to know how big of an RV we need to secure. Will supply the Indian food for the night before arrival.
  11. Of those 4,000,000 how many are gonna actually vote? Maybe 15? Yea they are shaking....
  12. I can see why the insurance companies are getting the fuck out of town as fast as they can. Should be an interesting next couple of months coming up.
  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/07/25/gold-ira-conservative-media/
  14. I was trying to learn a bit more detail of this story so I did a quick google search of "Mother, Daughter, Cowgirl, Punished, Professor". I can confirm that the issue was appropriately dealt with in the end.
  15. "Kamala" is an ethnic name so high lighting it is a dog whistle to their racist audience. Same reason they referred to Obama by his full name, with special emphasis on 'Hussein'. Then when someone points out that is unusually to call a VP by their first name or a POTUS by their entire name, they can just smirk and say "Well it's their name isn't it?". Just the stupid little games they play to get the dog whistle out with adequate deniability.
  16. Just so I got this straight, Abbott is asserting that Texas has the sovereign (i.e. ultimate or supreme) authority to defend the Texas border, as dictated by serval multi-hundred year old constitutions, but the multidecade crisis was CREATED by Biden's 2 yr old policies?? Really? If Texas is supremely responsible for its border security doesn't this mean the crisis is in fact the result of his actions/inactions? You can't have it both ways hot wheels, which is it?? Is Biden or you ultimately responsible?
  17. In Meatball’s defense, Clarance Thomas did parley his Uncle Tom skills into becoming the most highly compensated SC justice.
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