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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. Someone posted in one of the other threads about how one of his elder relatives was not worried about climate change cause Jesus/God would fix it if we just praise and loved him enough. If you believe in an hyper insecure, malignantly narcissistic, teenager-girl-like God who needs extreme admiration to help anyone out, then it makes a lot of sense that you worship Trump.
  2. Well yea but do you have any idea how much a voice actor who can realistically cry in agony can make in Hollywood?? That is a very valuable skill!
  3. The fat had nowhere else to accumulate so it just started collecting above her right eye lid.
  4. When I was a medical resident there were 2 types of patients I hated being assigned. The really really nice ones cause they always died, and the conplete assholes cause they never died.
  5. If anything InBev should be suing Meatball and other republicans for stirring up a fake controversy and casing a boycott of their product.
  6. Is that really how it went down? The shitty Russian missile just barely nicked its lumbering target ??? Is that missile system really supposed to hit a real military target with evasive maneuvers and systems on board?
  7. All I know is that the more the Marge and the pubs try to make Hunter look like a villain, the more I like the guy. He is like Judd Nelson's Bender character in the Breakfast Club. You know he is a bad dude and has done some bad shit, but you like him anyway cause he's just a self destructive goofball doing shit you wish you could.
  8. Pardon the ignorant question but what exactly is stopping the Senate Dems from using their majority to change the unanimous consent rule to say something like it now requires 25 senators objecting to blanket pass military promotions/raises/appointments? Is this all a decorum issue and hoping things go back to 1975? You goddamn know the repubs would have changed the rules within 24hrs of a dem senator pulling this shit?
  9. Fuck. If only this occurred in Texas we could all sue this 2yr old for providing an abortion. #Profit
  10. You guys are literally responding to a ChatBot, if a chatbot was run by a TRS-80 and instead of plugged into the entire internet, was just plugged into the FoxNews web site. If you really feel the need to continue let me summarize the next few pages: Q: Are you saying all of the economic discrepancies between black and white Austin is due to black men abandoning their families? Poe: LOL. I love Austin! Q: Well that doesn't answer the question. Can you address the issue being asked? Poe: LOL. I have a black neighbor. How can your theory explain that? Q: What? What does that have to do with the historical economic discrepancies clearly tied to governmental/regulatory policies directed specifically at the black population? Poe: LOL. I have a pair of expensive Jordan shoes. Jordan is a black man and is rich. How can a black man be rich if CRT is real? LOL.
  11. Well shit I never thought about it that way. Could it be that radical climate change is what ends up saving America?
  12. Oklahoma poised to become the new Redneck Riviera
  13. Lawyers with supreme court business paid Clarence Thomas aide via Venmo https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/12/clarence-thomas-aide-venmo-payments-lawyers-supreme-court
  14. 14yr old me was fapping to scrambled CineMax images so blurred thumbnails would be like armature hour.
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