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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. I don’t know but all those saggy man tits in that photo should definitely be a crime.
  2. Lol. At this point if I am Hunter I am telling Weiss to piss off and dare him to indict me. The right wing propaganda machine is discrediting him and the left was never going to go along with taking the hammer to Hunter. The most he is gonna get is a hung jury (pun intended). Hunter needs to tell him to fuck off and then start a legal fund GoFundMe by offering to let GQP donors watch him fuck their wives for 500k a pop.
  3. If I am a SWA attorney, I would go ahead and take this class, secretly record the entire thing, then leak it on social media with #JudgeBrantleyStarr hashtag and expose this fucker for the zealot that he is
  4. So all the counties with 1-5k people went heavily GQP. Shocking…
  5. Hey Tiffany, I think we're alone now. The beating of my dong is the only sound.
  6. The more I think about it, the more I believe Trump's strategy(??) is to eventually be thrown in jail pretrial. This will feed his narrative that he is being treated "so unfairly" and that the judge is crooked and an Anti-trumper. He will keep pushing the envelope and the judge will give him as much leash as possible, but eventually the judge will have her hand forced and she will have to react. Then the howling from Trump and the right will kick into overdrive and Fox/NewsMax will eat it up and 30-45% of the country will believe it. This will introduce a component of chaos into the election which Trump hopes will change the game. It is idiotic, but kinda smart considering the 96% chance he is convicted if he just follows the rules.
  7. Tiffany Gomas, a marketing exec from Dallas, is unmasked as American Airlines passenger behind 'that motherf***er back there isn't real' rant https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12381895/amp/Tiffany-Gomas-revealed-American-Airlines-passenger-mysterious-not-real-viral-tirade.html
  8. Judge- “Defendant. You yelled fire in a crowded theater when you knew there was none. This caused a stampede injuring dozens of people. Do you have anything to say in your defense?” Defendant- “Well your honor, by the end of the evening lots of people believed there was a fire so….”
  9. I think we are saying the same thing. My statement that pubs have not been serious people about debt/healthy budget management since before Reagan means that in my mind Reagan started it and it's been that way ever since. Granted, I was not alive during Ford and Nixon but my sense is that they were more responsible with respect to the budget than Reagan/Bush 1/Bush 2/Trump.
  10. Pubs have not been serious about debt nor the economy since before Reagan. Their only solution is to throw gas on the fire for a quick economic burst while they are in office and then let the Dems be the adults to clean up the mess afterwards... then take credit once the mess has been cleaned as best as possible. There are very few on this board who were alive the last time a pub with serious economic polies meant to strengthen this country was in office. But pubs have a super power....exploiting our lizard brain instincts of fear and greed. Dems can't compete against that cause their policies, which sometimes are also sometimes flawed when taken to extreme, appeal instead to cerebral concepts like fairness, compassion, etc. Same as it ever was.
  11. Somehow the image of a crooked SC justice coveting a 8yr old 250k bus with orange flames painted on the side perfectly suites this simulation.
  12. The emergency contraception use may also be related to their boyfriends/husbands getting deployed and wanting to avoid an uncomfortable conversation about how the math don't work regarding when they got prego. Lots of babies resembling the local milkman/mailman are gonna spontaneously appear in a few months.
  13. What exactly is stopping the Dems from passing, on a strict 51% majority vote, a change to "unanimous consent" Senate rules to say that 10-15 objecting senators are now needed to block batch military appointments ?
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