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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. Actually if some asshole or store sold him that gun, then it is just like out founders intended. If you stop anyone, felons, murders, crazies, from buying a gun then that is a slippery slope which will end with Biden taking away your right to own a BB gun!
  2. What does it matter? “Shall not be infringed!!!”
  3. GOP: “He likes seeing white women getting railed by black guys just like us!”
  4. Rep Holcomb is gonna get primaried talking like a woke child grooming libtard like that!
  5. Allred seems like a good guy. Supports policies that help the work class, help me provide a good education for my kids, and provide health care for my family. However I am just too worried about ANTIFA, Hunter’s laptop, and somebody somewhere using the inappropriate bathroom so unfortunately I will have to vote for Cruz. — Average Texan
  6. actually trump is saying that as the ultimate victim, he should have even worse things happen to him then what happened to Abe. I am all for it.
  7. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/04/29/cleveland-texas-gunman-kills-five-8-year-old/ “When I heard those gunshots, I didn’t think anything of it because in this neighborhood everyone has guns. Every weekend you hear gunshots,” she said in an interview in Spanish. “People shoot in their backyards, after they drink alcohol, men take out guns at house parties and shoot the ground.” Just like the founders envisioned it …”shall not be infringed!!!”
  8. So that mean Trump, not dead Biden, is sending support to Ukraine, is proposing a tax increase on the rich to help balance the budget, want to expand Medicare for all, is nominating liberal judges, and wants more gun control?? Do I have that right??
  9. Oh great. So I am sure McCarthy would support a bill making it illegal for businesses, or the use of business proceeds, to in any way support a political candidate or political cause. We can call it "The Daily Texan Apolitical Act of 2023"
  10. Disney World is a incredible asset for Florida. Beyond the taxes, the tourism, free advertising and cache as a "destination" is simply invaluable. If I was governor of another southern state I would be making a real push to provide free land, the same special district autonomy, tax breaks. Shit I would look into covering a portion of the costs of moving all their shit over. Sure that is probably a big chunk of change, but can you imagine the effect having WDW locked for 100yrs would have on Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, etc? It would be an absolute game changer.
  11. Grift idea #1009 ”Trump Rally- College Station. Come take a bullet for Trump!”
  12. So meatball’s contention is that the detainees are lying cause how could they remember him from 2006? I’ve never been a tortured prisoner but I am pretty sure I would remember those responsible for my torture pretty well, and even more so if one of them layer decided to run for president .
  13. Remember when Madison Square Garden started using facial recognition to ban any and all attorneys working for firms involved in lawsuits against it from any of their properties ? I would love to see Disney do the same and expand the circle to include their families, Rons extended family, and extended families of any GOP Florida lawmakers.
  14. Well I am not sure if you have heard but Hunter has a laptop and a big dong. That's the real scandal !
  15. Disney should just shut down the monorail for the summer and post everywhere these is a result of big government DeSantis. Let those Villages residents get around the park in 100 degree heat on their little scooters.
  16. Fucking Hilary strikes again. Also I hear JFK jr. will be named the replacement shortly.
  17. Alito calls out female justices as hypocrites for using shadow docket (but doesn’t call himself out for now opposing it) https://www.businessinsider.com/samuel-alito-abortion-pill-dissent-calls-out-3-justices-expert-2023-4?amp
  18. These should be Disney's next moves: 1. Announce a "Florida Excessive Regulation Surcharge" on all Disney World tickets effective immediately. Include a pamphlet that explains this surcharge is necessary secondary to recent changes made by the FL governor and legislature that have increased costs and uncertainty. Explain that this surcharge will be rescinded once the excessive regulation has been resolved. 2. Announce an immediate stop to the selling of Florida Resident discounted passes and tickets for WDW. Again explain that this is due to recent excessive regulation and uncertainty that makes this perk provided to FL no longer feasible. Florida residents will now need to pay full price for their season passes and tickets just like everyone else. Again, explain that this perk will be revisited once the over regulation/uncertainty caused by the FL governor was been resolved.
  19. Trump is right! Fox needs to just admit it and say “God damn right we did it and we would do it again!” While they are at it they should just go ahead and declare as FACT that FedEx, UPS, Disney and ever other woke company changed all those votes as ordered by Hugo Chavez!
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