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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. The Trump Laptop- “twice the corruption with absolutely no big dick energy “
  2. “Maybe it’s the lies, maybe it’s Maybelline. It’s probably the lies…”
  3. Furthermore, the founding fathers didn't even know Rahimi's wife, so how can it be established that killing her is something that our ancestors would disapprove of??
  4. It should go without saying but since the MAGA talking point of the day is to encourage shooting at things in the sky ..... The Science Of Why Firing Your Gun Up Into The Air Can Be Lethal https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2020/07/02/the-science-of-why-firing-your-gun-up-into-the-air-can-be-lethal/?sh=4f906bbeff65
  5. My understanding is this was the key to the decision to wait. We wanted to recover the debris intact as much as possible to inspect it which means shallow water landing. This is what intelligent professional adults do that spend a few brain cells thinking about the situation. They don't just shoot at somethings soon as they see it. They think about- a. minimizing or eliminated threat of the object (jamming its ability to communicate). b. possible negative consequences of shooting the object down at different locations. c. possible benefits of subsequent actions after shooting the object down and how best to accomplish that goal.
  6. 7. That there is some pilot just hanging out for a few weeks at 65,000ft, staying mentally sharp enough to pilot the balloon with just a few solar panels providing his oxygen and keeping his "bus" nice and toasty while outside it is -70 degrees F.
  7. I’m an idiot. The title and entire 1st paragraph are extremely extremely misleading though.
  8. Real or nah? Not seeing it reported anywhere else so probably not. https://www.si.com/college/tcu/.amp/football/oklahoma-sooners-texas-longhorns-settle-on-2024-big-12-exit-for-sec
  9. I know that's not how any of this works, I am just fuckin around. And I fully admit to knowing nothing about contract law, but what I do know is B12/FOX doesn’t want to spend the next 5 years in court arguing “what does ‘is’ mean” while UT has sovereign immunity claims in their back pocket. They will settle.
  10. Well if we forfeit 2 years of media rights regard less the move would be to leave now, join the SEC and ask for media payouts of $1 for next 2 years (followed by double payouts in 2025 and 2026). Then let B12 sue the SEC for media right funds paid for games between 2 SEC teams (us versus our new conference opponents) and if B12 wins give them their $2.
  11. I guess I just don’t understand the exit fee structure at all. Can someone answer what UT’s total contractual payout owed is under these 2 scenarios? 1. We leave for SEC today. 2 We leave for SEC in 2025. Does it drop from 80 mil to zero or is there still a payout of some type in 2025? In other words in 18 months of media revenue forfeited regardless or only if we leave before 2025?
  12. Can we start a separate NIL fund to pay any UT athlete who may be interested a bounty for stealing Daniel’s current or future girl and posting pics? I will donate to that fund in perpetuity and include it in my will.
  13. Fuckin Brandon didn’t share sensitive military intelligence with the American public for an entire week?? How the hell is this country gonna stay safe if Bobbie Joe and Kaitlyn aren’t privy to the daily Presidential Intelligence Briefings before their Walmart runs??
  14. SEC needs to do this so that they can renegotiate their new contract with ESPN (which starts in 2024) and get their divisions set. Otherwise it is a mess for SEC and ESPN. It makes everything cleaner for everyone involved..except FOX.
  15. Texas/OU/SEC need to tell FOX that they either play ball, and will be compensated accordingly over the next few years, or the SEC will only scheduled out of conference opponents with the understanding that those games not be aired on FOX.
  16. I also just got infected with Ad AIDS even though I always wear a condom when I visit this site.
  17. Well excuse him for trying to have a life!
  18. Resign?? For what? Santos is the perfect modern day GOP candidate and represents his party perfectly. Not only should he not resign, he should be asking to be made chair of the new ethics committee. I expect nothing less
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