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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. You went Tree Fiddy but failed to go Burnt Ends.
  2. So BK has multiple US Marshalls parked around his home 24/7 who's very presence is enough to make a would be assassin pick up his phone and call the police on himself and stop the spree of (checks notes) exactly ZERO assassinations of US Supreme Court justices since the founding of the republic. What exactly are we supposed to do to protect them more??
  3. “The vote was rigged!!” in 3….2….1…
  4. Looks like a couple of those baby hogs got their heads pinned down in the top left corner of that contraption. Damn.
  5. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/02/podcasts/the-daily/uvalde-buffalo-gun-control-california.html?smid=url-share Was listening to this the other day and it makes a interesting point. Gun control laws are like a slice of swiss cheese. Any one law has lots of holes allowing gun advocates to continually claim “that law wouldn’t stop this particular situation” or “ that one law wouldn’t end all gun crime!” But stacking multiple laws (slices) together, accumulated over time and targeted to different parts of the issue, those holes are greatly reduced to the point of making a meaningful impact.
  6. I completely understand, but if done correctly, and with appropriate precautions and exit plan in place, bat shit crazy is sometimes exactly what is needed
  7. Horn Dog


    "When you ask Patterson a question about how Texas players are looking or progressing, the most he says is: “I don’t know if anyone thinks they’re roster is everything they want it to be. But we have some good players, and I think we have good kids.
  8. Every journalist in Texas, as well as every citizen in Uvalde, should line up on that public property and wait to be arrested for "trespassing".
  9. Oh boy, we got him now boys. He has ten days. Ten. That's it! If he doesn't comply in ten days he will get a really really sternly worded letter giving him another ten days under DIRECT threat of a third sternly composed letter, a official memo, and possibly an angry voice mail. Oh Jordy is shitting his pants now!
  10. Thanks for posting that article. I am excited about this guy. He may be undersized and all that but he is hungry, has the right mentality, and has 1 shot to make his mark. He is gonna play balls to the wall and leave it all out every game he plays. Colt is the last player I can remember that played like that for us.
  11. Dem 1: We need to do something big to regain relevance. How about we convince all the members of our party in the Senate to overturn the filibuster so we can pass popular legislation like voting rights, background checks for gun purchases, and protect abortion rights? Dem 2: That is way to difficult and complicated. Instead we should recruit the top scientific minds in the world to bioengineer an incredibly virulent man-made virus that will cause a world-wide pandemic and cause a global shutdown for multiple years, and kill millions cause that will help us beat Trump in 2020. This project will require 100's of billions of dollars in funding, and we need to do this in complete secrecy and need to prevent any of those those thousands of scientists and their assistants that we recruited for this project from ever talking to anyone, including their family members. If even one person talks to the press or law enforcement, we may get blamed for this, but i think we can manage that risk. Dem 1: It's fool proof!
  12. I spent my entire childhood in Houston. I never heard anyone say anything about A rivalry between Dallas and Houston until I went off to UT and met some guys from Dallas. It was very strange. Kinda like when I got my first job and a group of aggys said something to me about being a “tea sipper” on my first day. I had no fucking clue what whey were talking about.
  13. Pelini still crying after all these years… https://thespun.com/.amp/more/top-stories/bo-pelini-still-mad-about-2009-big-12-championship-fans-react IMG_6223.MOV
  14. Note sure what some of y’all think an extra 2 inches and 15# is gonna do if you are always out of position. If being a bit smaller helps him get to the ball carrier quicker and slow him down, even a bit, that is lightyears ahead of where we were last year.
  15. You have obviously never encountered a feral pig!
  16. FOX BREAKING NEWS!! "We are hearing reports that the teacher had just finished up a lesson on cross dressing and gay-pedo sex and was just about to start her lesson on Critical Race Theory when she decided to saw a transvestite outside with a gun and decided to prop the door open. "
  17. My plan is to move to the Sugar Babies thread and never leave
  18. TX/OU- “Your honor, we are leaving the B12 conference primarily because it failed to provide competent leadership as contractually required” B12- “This is false” TX/OU- “ Were you aware we were contemplating a move to the SEC?” B12- “We were told that multiple times, but slept well at night because we thought you would never leave!” TX/OU- “Your honor, we rest our case”
  19. What do ya'll suppose columns "I" and "J" are for??
  20. Yup. Here is the armed Pakland security guard (former cop) hiding outside in the shadows while kids were getting slaughtered. But if we just armed all the 60yr teachers....
  21. You are not on the ledge because based on your Sugar Babies posts you are getting more strange then everyone on the ledge put together.
  22. Alright. Who had Social Conservative claiming lower taxes and tax exceptions/write offs as the "new communism" on their bingo cards?? This fucking time line....
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