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Everything posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. It's a terribly unfunny show that's centered around something very few people understand, so they cram a bunch of awful jokes in there and it makes people think they're smarter than they actually are. Any show that employed a laugh track after 2000 or so is almost guaranteed to be unfunny.
  2. Ames, Iowa City, and Mankato and Winona MN usually end up in there too 2023 list https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/drunkest-cities-in-america
  3. I don't find Lorraine all that unlikeable at this stage in the game. I do find the idea of her pegging Jon Hamm's character fucking hilarious though.
  4. Cool thread. I'm about as far as you can get from being a coonass, but they make pert near the best food I've ever eaten. If I had 2 months to live, I'd probably spend at least 3 weeks in Louisiana just eating and drinking.
  5. If it makes you feel any better, people are shitty everywhere. I live right next door to Minnesota, a place that many like to point out as some beacon of rural progressivism because of how the state votes, but the reality is that it votes that way because Minneapolis/St Paul has 70% of the state's population, and that city has the same politics of almost any large city. We farm across the road from a guy who openly flies a Confederate flag, with no American flag in sight. In blue state Minnesota that fought for the Union. There are shitty people everywhere.
  6. Just reading this makes me grateful for the 100s of miles of paved rail trails within 30 miles of my front door, including the 40 I don't have to even leave town for.
  7. While watching football with them, you should play the "drink every time he drops a Dog Whistle" game.
  8. Jesus Christ, my in-laws are Olympic champion level dawdlers and general time wasters.
  9. They’re making it in LaCrosse again. I’ll swing by the World’s Largest 6 Pack soon and post a pic in here
  10. My favorite part about visiting Texas is Lone Star and Pearl. If you’re ever in a northern plains state, Grain Belt is exceptional. I think it’s only available in Minnesota, the Dakotas, and northern parts of Iowa and Nebraska
  11. Really? It’s a Midwest staple. You inspired me to pull one out to chase my Bloody Mary
  12. This is a brilliant idea with 0 chance of back firing.
  13. 8 year old nephew dropped a good one today. While we’re eating dinner he unpromptedly belts out: “Eenie meenie miney mo catch a tiger by the… BOOBS” I just crack up instantly, and he’s quickly admonished by the other adults. He follows up “How come Uncle Al always laughs at the stuff you yell at me for!?” A conversation about appropriate humor followed, and my wife tells nephew and my niece (4.5) a clean joke. After the joke gets no response, my niece goes “see! Nobody laughed!”. I fucking lost it at that.
  14. Old men generally don’t. My wife and mother? Completely different story. At this point I think they know how much I hate it and do it on purpose. I love your grandpa’s dedication to punctuality.
  15. No, no, no. “Welp spose” merely initiates the process to actually leave the premises. The host will consider it their obligation to not be impolite and push you out, and the leaver will consider it their obligation to not to appear too eager to leave.
  16. I wonder if there’s an equivalent for politely trying to leave? Going to my mom’s today, and she and my wife are the world’s worst Midwest Goodbye-ers. It will be an hour, minimum, from the first time I suggest we need to head out until we actually leave.
  17. So playing Utah is gonna be like playing Iowa twice? Shoot me now.
  18. Scotty will kill Hamm. She’s 3rd generation badass female. Munch is totally killing the shitass son.
  19. This seems like a key point RE breach of fiduciary duty
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