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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. I used to work with Level, he's a very smart guy. Really knows football, really genuine guy. Not saying he can't be wrong.
  2. Why do you think I said it But it's not like there wasn't a real reason for that, it's just that the BCS computer models sucked
  3. Ya'll are gonna suck shit. Tuck Fexas and Sark probably voted for Trump. On top of that, an unnamed billionaire donor/regent for Tech has cut a deal with Yormark to ensure Texas is at a 3:1 disadvantages in penalties called in every conference game, at the very least. A larger ratio would be ideal. The conference has a revenue carve out for crates of batteries to be strategically placed around conference foes' stadiums when Texas comes to town. Conference teams will be assessed unsportsmanlike conduct penalties at the end of each quarter if they DON'T do at least 1 Horns Down after any given play during that quarter. Holding (O/D), facemask, roughing the passer, pass interference will be limited to 5 total, per game, for Texas' conference opponents. Officiating teams will be fined if there's not at least 1 Poona Ford Special in any given conference game involving Texas. In addition, Texas has been secretly declared ineligible for to play in the conference championship game, even if you somehow manage to overcome all of that. In the very UNLIKELY scenario, that Texas qualifies for the CCG, the slot will instead go to Oklahoma, regardless of the Sooners' conference record.
  4. All I have to add is burn Notre Dame to the ground
  5. Yup. I've never really had much if any animosity towards Texas like I've had toward Aggy etc. Grew up in a Longhorn family. Aggy is probably the only school I hate, and it's not even because of sports or anything, it's just how insane and shitty their fan base is about life in general. Almost all fans of other schools I've been around are totally normal.
  6. 1) The Big 12 is fine, at least until realignment happens again in 10 years and we end up with 2 conferences, enjoy it 2) I don't think any of these dudes think they should be treated any other way than they are 3) If they whine about it, they're baby dicks 4) I don't see any of the guys here at least doing the SEC SEC SEC thing like aggy so that's a step up at least 5) Why am I even here? It's time to get drunk
  7. I take one measly nap and we go back to slorching
  8. I mean this is where I'm at. I don't see why any of it is that big of a deal to anyone. It's the same reason aggy made a stink about being the "only SEC team in Texas" at the same time, all grandstanding from random powers that be. EVERYONE needs to relax, from the Tech fans that are being "snide on social media" (this is in itself kind of laughable, who cares??), to the Texas fans that are upset about being "blamed for everything", to all the other boomers that are screaming about the realignment stuff "killing college sports" (if I had a nickel for every time I've heard this over the years), as if any of their/our blathering changes one single iota of anything. Everyone will likely be happy with how it all ends up. Like I said, play the games, talk shit, drink beer, be happy, we're all dipshit fanatics.
  9. It's a joke man, relax. You guys are too wound up about everything.
  10. Look at this guy pretending he didn't go to Tech
  11. ESPN was trying to stick some conference games on the LHN at first, IIRC. Not Texas' fault, 100% ESPN's doing, but it was definitely a point of contention at the beginning.
  12. Where'd you copy and paste that from?
  13. You know you can't legally do that without the actor's consent right
  14. I remember going into the last week, y'all were playing a weak team (I think maybe k-state?) and OU was playing bedlam I guess, so y'all were screwed either way from a BCS ranking standpoint unless OU lost. e: Nvm googled, it was aggy not k-state
  15. I could be wrong here, but from what I remember, the team that repped the Big 12 South had to be Oklahoma because the tie-breakers in place couldn't resolve the situation and they had to use the BCS ranking instead. Wasn't the controversy that you guys had a higher AP and coaches poll ranking but the computers favored Oklahoma on the last week of the regular season? Don't get me wrong, Big 12 leadership back then was a joke for sure, but I think all of that was out of their control.
  16. What lies? e: I'm actually genuinely curious, because I pay next to 0% attention to sports media.
  17. Ah yes, the classic Texas Tech Media Conspiracy against Texas. Who is running lies in the media and how is any of that costing you votes in the polls? Do you guys ever stop to consider you might just be paranoid?
  18. Yormark is just playing up to his audience, but I don't disagree that it's a bit over the line. He should probably dial it back. It's just silly ass words, though, I don't understand why people take it so personally. And yeah, Joey M is just doing the same, but in a context that's far more appropriate.
  19. Talk all the shit you want, it's the crying, moaning, and conspiracy theories that get old. You might think it sounds reasonable, but to everyone else it just sounds like a built in excuse for a 14th straight disappointing season. Everyone else reads that shit, rolls their eyes, and says "here we go again..."
  20. Who gives a fuck what he thinks? Play the games, watch the games, have fun, talk shit. It's not that serious. I especially have no desire to argue irrelevant minutia with, nor pay any mind to aggro cretins with 30 posts that'll be gone the instant Texas loses a game this season and neither should you. What's done is done, if you expected the red carpet rolled out for Texas on the way out, you're as delusional as aggy. I don't know what else to tell you. Whining about like a little kid with a skinned knee it isn't going to change anything. Crying about Tech fans posting in a thread about Tech isn't going to bring back your dead dog or whatever you're pissed about that day either, shut the fuck up and stop being a pussy. Ultimately, none of this matters at all and everyone is probably going to end up happy. Well, probably not OU, I think they're going to end up in the trash end of the SEC but that's another conversation.
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