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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. If you stare into his eyes for more than 10 seconds you become gay.
  2. Maybe you should take a lap and take a break from all the Melt Homeless People into Biomatter shit for at least a day you fucking psycho?
  3. Literally a rule created to make them feel better about being unable to dunk.
  4. The code likely isn't a huge issue, the code can only work with the input it's provided, which is bad.
  5. Pirating stuff is good. Ok, I just wanted to trigger Chrispy again but I'm still right
  6. Probably a ploy to get a payout due to some technicality like his resignation has to be in writing or some shit
  7. My response to this is usually to start choking motherfuckers e: My bad didn't mean to derail again
  8. Their site would explode if they opened it up right now. Trickling in is a decent strategy as long as it doesn't take too much longer.
  9. Rounds out a pretty solid roster McCasland has cobbled together, along with keeping some good pieces in the program. Will be a bit guard heavy but them's the breaks.
  10. Yeah 3x was a little greedy but I tend to size up a little pre when we're shorthanded at tables like this. I was 50/50 between calling or raising for sure. I ultimately decided I'd get more chips by calling if I had the best hand in this spot, and I agree if he calls my raise then it really narrows his range so it would be a lot harder to call that river.
  11. Interesting hand I played last night on a small two table tourney. Hands like these always get me thinking about the concept of blockers. We're down to 4-handed, top 2 spots get paid, though not relevant in this hand because neither player was in danger of going broke. I'm like 450k deep with the blinds at 4k/8k. UTG folds, I raise to 24k on the button holding Ad7h. SB calls, BB folds. Flop comes 4d7d2s. SB donk leads for 30k, I consider raising, but just call. Turn comes Qc. SB checks, I check back. Flop comes Kd. SB thinks for a minute and leads out for 70k. I think about this for a couple of minutes because I'm not entirely sure what he could have here. SB player knows that I cbet pretty frequently whether I've made a hand or not on the flop. I suspect if he had a strong hand on the flop that he would checked instead of leading. The check on the turn is what gives me pause. It's either a soft give up or a trap. The lead out on the river is very value sized. However, I am holding the Ad and the Kd is on the board, which eliminates basically any hand he's betting for value here other than maybe something like J-10d or 9-10d. Given the table dynamic, I doubt he would lead off with these hands, as he knows I'm likely to cbet and he can easily go into check/call mode to let me value own myself. He has done exactly this twice before in this tourney. Ultimately I make the call and he tables Ah8d, my pair of 7s holds up. If I wasn't holding the Ad and the Kd didn't show up on the river, I think it would have been much more difficult for me to make the call because my best guess as to what he had was pretty much exactly what he was holding, maybe up to something like an Ax-10d. An offsuit K might have gotten me to fold as it would have become much more likely he was holding either a K or a Q. Anyway, the point of this story is to see what you guys think of how I played it and the line of logic I went through on the river. Would you have played the hand differently? I think I got the maximum possible value playing the hand the way I did considering the opponent's hand, but there are definitely a few combos of hands he could have had that were crushing me.
  12. I watched a lot of that final table, I didn't think he was that annoying, just trying to hype everyone up. The other players seemed to enjoy his presence.
  13. You were getting roughly 3-to-1 to call for less than 1/3 of your stack on a double board with draws to the nuts on both boards. It's objectively an insane fold especially when you might have been good already with an over pair in the hole. The kicker is you took so long that you're basically playing your hand face up at least as far as the flush draw goes so if it hits you won't get paid off more than likely but you're still going to scoop a good pot. Happens to the best of us, I've made plenty of dumb folds. e: The correct move may have been just to pot it but that's a big risk on a double board PLO hand.
  14. This. I wear a smart watch daily for health stuff. I have a couple nicer watches for special occasions but rarely wear them.
  15. This is what media illiteracy looks like, folks.
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