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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. Nice knowing you, CJ Stroud's career
  2. Man, the Steven Crowder shit really took a turn from some fun Schadenfreud to a really dark peek into how psycho evangelicals view and treat women. https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1651645370898989057?t=mVwObwtoo48J67LUx4vvcw&s=19
  3. There's just no way this is true. Like I said above, I can't fathom the purpose of lying about something like that.
  4. This is such a ridiculous lie that I can't fathom what his thoughts are, even though I am an EXPERT at stupid thoughts.
  5. Yeah even Rogan makes fun of Callen. Dude is a loser.
  6. Someone stanning Don Lemon was not on my bingo card today
  7. There's a rumor about some potential kompromat in the current Laura Luhn lawsuit that involves Tucker
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/business/media/don-lemon-cnn.html A replacement has just become available
  9. Most likely at least tangentially related to the fallout from the Dominion suit but I would guess the ongoing harassment suit is the main issue for him.
  10. Take a lap and maybe go back to defending Gundy's OAN shirt or whatever the fuck you're actually halfway knowledgeable about, dumbass
  11. I think you are unfairly presenting imposed atheism as the root cause of the atrocities committed by those countries, when the real issue is authoritarianism. In reality, it's no different from any country that has imposed religion, whether it be officially or simply in practice, and brother there are PLENTY of examples of that throughout history and in the contemporary world. In either case, the imposed religiosity/atheism is merely a symptom and a tool to enforce said authoritarianism.
  12. To be fair, it quite literally is. It is a mainstream medical procedure now because it also happens to be benificial. Doesn't change the fact that its roots are as a ritualistic (religious and/or rite of passage) practice that had nothing to do with health.
  13. You're not wrong about outspoken atheists being just as annoying as outspoken evangelicals, but there is a power dynamic at play here. Also, it seems like you are mainly just using your (justified) annoyance at outspoken atheists to concern troll about communism.
  14. Biggest fash fan is still @Macklemore aka icono aka the guy that sucks dick for meth, but Incredulity is up there for sure If he's on a new username idk it
  15. Lmao fuck James Harden get out you bald bitch
  16. It appears I was wrong, I asked a friend of mine who is in the know and they actually were using a commanded FTS on this launch so it was done manually, as in someone pressing a button. Basically all modern FTS are automated so I assumed this was the case. I would assume they are just doing this for Starship prototypes and the finished design will include an automated system.
  17. It can be used for just about any current space application and is ultimately designed to be interplanetary. Moon bases, Mars missions, etc.
  18. Don't project Elon's stupidity on SpaceX employees. They do great work and this flight was a big success for them.
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