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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. We had water pressure come back for a brief moment in midday, made sure everyone got a hot shower. Now it's back to a trickle out of the faucets. Not really looking forward to another night without power.
  2. This. I hope I never cross paths with someone from Ercot. I believe the term aggravated assault would be used against me in a court of law.
  3. NW Houston here, no power since 2am. It's cold oh this house.
  4. Grinding beans old-school. Powers been out since 3am, barely any water pressure after running the faucets on drip last night.
  5. It had been a while since I clicked on this thread. First post that popped up, dating back to mid/late 2019. Thought I'd share.
  6. I'm in. What's not to like? The Falcon? Good. The Winter Soldier? Good. Marvel? Good. This is the way.
  7. I want to lead by saying The Surl/The Shag is the best group of assholes around, you have all kept me positive for years. That said, depression sucks. I think we all suffer from depression on some level. I'm a quiet type who absorbs everything vs making issues public, bottle it up in hopes it either passes or you can rectify in the future. It sucks to constantly shoot yourself in the foot.
  8. Of course that is the pick. Hope it works out
  9. Cool thread, figure if drop this in here. Messed around with Big Swig's dirty ranch water recipe (Sotol, lime juice and their pineapple jalapeno sparkling water) I added some minced jalapeno, splash of simple syrup and some sea salt. Tasty
  10. "Have a good life, we'll see you soon" - Donald Trump, twice impeached President Such an inspiration.
  11. The Complete List of Trump’s Twitter Insults (2015-2021) https://nyti.ms/2LPD5cL He is such a piece of shit and a petulant child.
  12. As[mention=1645]BrickHorn[/mention] and[mention=1325]Mdhorn[/mention] have already pointed out, this is the chef kiss of Trump portraits. It was the one that immediately brought a laugh. Trump fishing? Ha! Trump showing up to fish wearing a suit? Holy shit! The fantasy world of Trump is truly Fan-Fucking-Tastic!
  13. Well, in one example Trump has been known to grab at one category, because when you're a star, they just let you. So Pence has that going for him.
  14. Wait. You think these fools have 401K plans? Ha!
  15. Yep. Those notifications suck. I've made it a point to embrace them to remind me of the good times we had and do a special deed on that day in rememberance.
  16. Fuck'em all then. The holocaust hits close to home as my grandfather was part of the first army brigade to liberate the concentration camps in Germany. His stories still keep me up at night and I'm leaving my 40s.
  17. I'm here for the for the outstanding fucking wit, tit pics, some football talk on occasion when we're good, beer talk, Big Tony updates, Fletch and The Jerk references, and any discussion that mocks Trump, Cruz, Ladybugs and the rest of the scumbags that constitute the current GOP. With that said, what were we talking about? Edit to add: I also enjoy talking about "what I've cooked lately". Felt that was important as well.
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