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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. Still doesn't really make sense if Grassley said initially that "they don't expect Penis Pence to be there". I guess we shouldn't be surprised, if this is part of Team Trump's strategy it's guaranteed to backfire.
  2. The men in her family seem to lack the ability to find a good tailor.
  3. Sounds like he knows if he fucks around, he's gonna find out how out of touch with reality he truly is.
  4. Ha! Trump running off to Turnberry the day before the inauguration is so on brand for him. Good riddance, let him be Scotland's problem.
  5. Well discovery should be really fun. I'm pretty sure Trump is all bark and nothing comes of this because someone in his inner circle will actually get through to him that he has multiple skeletons in his closet that shouldn't be uncovered.
  6. I've done some of my best posting on the Surl and Shaggy while buzzed. I think Sark is just what we need to change things up on the 40 acres.
  7. Hit it out of the park with recruiting and develope our current talent. I don't ask for a lot.
  8. Looks like the Champion's Cypress Creek course in Houston. Though, I have been drinking since 9 this morning, so I may be wrong.
  9. I will look forward to the close of this thread.
  10. I thought we were getting Urban?
  11. ....Can you imagine if the Republicans stole a Presidential Election from the Democrats - All hell would break out. Republican leadership only wants the path of least resistance. Our leaders (not me, of course!) are pathetic. They only know how to lose! P.S. I got MANY Senators.. No of course not you Donald. You're not pathetic at all.
  12. Well that would make for a nice Christmas gift.
  13. See Sandler, Adam. He set the standard.
  14. Looks like lot #573 from 2016 needs a recall.
  15. Shouldn't we have already declared war with China? Didn't they invade Maine earlier in the week?
  16. Strong, to very strong. After this cluster-fuck of an administration we are going to need to review a lot of ways we define things. I'll submit the first: "Trump card" - (noun) A card that you think holds value, but in reality when played leaves you penniless and mocked by those around you.
  17. No offense, your friend is an idiot.
  18. You'd think China trying to invade the USA through Maine would garner more news. It's been what, 48 hrs? I'm starting to think they're full of shit.
  19. Wait. Ignore my post above. It should be this......."For once, Trump isn't the biggest baby in the room"
  20. If this doesn't still up the last four years.
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