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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 1978horn

  1. Power still out in Port A. We just left and had no issues getting back to mainland via 361. Although we stopped at the first whataburger that had power and the line is onto the access road, but we need food before the kids start eating each other.
  2. Power went off again around 7:30 for us. Still off and a street a couple blocks away flooded pretty good, but seems to have receded now. Had a tornado warning, but mostly just a shit ton of wind and no rain.
  3. Still not a big deal in Port A where I’m at. Power came back on after a few hours and we are grilling fajitas in the wind!
  4. Power went out about 2 hours ago. The ferry’s are still running. The water was up to the dunes, but from what I saw last it hasn’t gotten past that.
  5. We are down in Port A for the weekend. Came down on Thursday before things started to get bad. Not too bad so far. Drove down to the marina about 30 min ago and the boat ramps are still accessible.
  6. Is this like when you put a bunch of books on top of something you just glued together hoping it stays together?
  7. First Time in 9 years to have a recall. I'll still drink it. I remember when they first started out and were posting on TOS. No idea if they made it over here and if they are contributors. Doesn't feel like it has been 9 years.
  8. Don’t know if it has already been mentioned, but wondering if this could go on for awhile. More than the usual few weeks. With 40 million unemployed what else are they going to do.
  9. How is it looking in Dripping in a couple hours? End of the year school parades are supposed to start then. It is all blue skies right now and the forecast I look at says not until 7 or 8. Will that hold?
  10. https://twitter.com/TarHeelFootball/status/1257339648613003271?s=20
  11. yeah, most anything embeded I have to refresh to get the content. If I am at that particular post when the page loads the first time I see the outline of the linked content and then it goes away and is a blank post.
  12. Yeah, mine happened 8 or 9 years ago, so who knows now.
  13. I successfully got the "fees"(collection agency add ons) removed when I called them(not the collection company but TxTag directly). They sent the notices to my old address and I never received them. At the time the collection agency said not to contact TxTag directly, but I did anyway and they removed the fees. From my understanding that is one of the few ways that you can get out of it. I "owed" about $400 on about $8 in tolls. After that I just got the TxTag that goes on my windshield to be done with it in the future. There is a post on TOS that i detailed the experience.
  14. I find I am eating smaller meals at home and have lost weight. Before, when I went out for lunch every day I ate a big ass meal that is probably twice what I needed, but I still ate it. The huge portions that restaurants provide is probably part of the reason.
  15. Provost and the President leaving within a week of each other....something else is going on.
  16. At least on Surly your a reasonable asshole. Usually we get all the internet tough guys, not the guys that are like that in real life.
  17. Watching Spaceballs with my 14 yr old 14yr old: I miss John Candy Me: He was dead before you were born?!? 14yr old: Yeah I know, but he was part of my childhood...
  18. I don't live in that area anymore and haven't for quite some time, but looking at google maps I would say yes. It was at the intersection of Medical Arts, 40th and Marathon.
  19. Yep, i played Pony ball there a couple years before filming. Part of the deal with the Pony field was to add that gate in right field. It didn't exist prior to the movie. Most of the car chase at the beginning of the film was in the neighborhood right around that area too. It was Ballards grocery on Medical parkway where they got shot at.
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