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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 1978horn

  1. I live our there and that is what causes most accidents. Red light running and turning left when not safe.
  2. And I can do it better and take it further than the last guy
  3. I believe a guy on TOS had this issue. Chick he was sleeping with told him he got her pregnant. He showed her the paperwork that showed him sterile and then she confessed that she picked him out of a group of guys that she was seeing because he seemed the most stable....which is saying a lot with anyone associated with that site or this one!
  4. Wasn’t there a poster on TOS claiming that this deal was close? I feel like it was a year or two ago.
  5. Yes, we coordinated. I gave him my flight info so he could verify that it was on time and then texted him when we landed. We waited about 5 minutes for him to get there. I then let him know when we were returning and he was there right when we got there.
  6. When I used it the owner dropped the car off in the pickup lane at the airport and I dropped it off in the drop off lane of the airport. they just delivered me a car and it was still significantly cheaper than a rental.
  7. I used it in Denver a couple summers ago and had a great experience. They have insurance you can buy through them. I also talked with my insurance company and they said it would be treated as a rental so I would be covered in the event it was my fault. I have referred a couple others and they have had good experiences as well. I was able to get a 5 series BMW using Turo for less than the price of a small sedan through rental companies.
  8. A lot of men will put up with annoying and crazy when women are giving it up, but not many when they are not. Explains a lot with Lolo. She is always on edge and flips her shit at the littlest things.
  9. Wasn’t there a thread on TOS that had this same issue a few years back?
  10. Every year this gets me...."I know bitch “I'M THE ONE THAT FUCKING PUT HIS FAT ASS UP THERE LAST WEEK"
  11. It's always the full context, until it is time to sin for God and then it is ok
  12. All i'm saying is that time and time again people both Christian and non-christian use scripture to justify actions. What this guy did was reckless period. We can pick and chose little scriptures all day long, but in the end if we sin and know that it is sin to accomplish "God's plan" then to me it invalidates everything that is trying to be done. I have been on both sides of this argument and lied to get into a country for a mission. Yes, I was young and arrogant and regret my decision to deceive authorities on why I was traveling.
  13. So a letter that Paul wrote after Jesus had died and resurrected should be invalid now? We get to pick and choose what we want in the bible?
  14. Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. Looks like you are sinning against God to me if you aren't following the law of the land. I'm not denying the existence of God. I just don't use him as a crutch to justify my actions.
  15. What about "obey the law of the land" The law was to stay 5 miles away from the island. I know missionaries that lie about why they going to countries so that they can get in. If you lie that is a sin as well. It seems that missionaries like to justify their sin because it is for the cause. But then again they can say forgive me and then they are good to go.
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