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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 1978horn

  1. Herman just said to Craig on the radio post game that he will be back in Kansas in 6 days.
  2. You just save a bunch of posts from October? Glad you were able to stew on that comment for the last month and a half. For the record, I still don't want him. He is a piece of shit that acts holier than thou. I want Herman gone as much as the rest of you, but I don't want Meyer.
  3. We talking regular or Japanese Mayo?
  4. When was this? Hadn’t heard that yet.
  5. Didn’t pay sales tax. From what I remember the kids didn’t pay it after the parents died for at least a year or two. Loved going to that place as a kid. I remember leaving on car and a bar fight spilling out of the bar across the street. My parents couldn’t get us in the car fast enough.
  6. Almost halfway through season 3 of rebels after finishing Clone Wars in the spring. Loving it so far, but had to take a break over the summer between CW and Rebels.
  7. But they will still believe the edited videos showing voter fraud...quite amazing if you ask me. I keep saying nothing will surprise me anymore, but it always does.
  8. I haven’t finished rebels yet, but I thought this whole show took place 5 years after ROTJ.
  9. We had a guy do that in Hays. The worker at the exit of the poll has one job to do...make sure you turn your damn ballot in.
  10. This is my pipe dream. He gets arrested and then sings like a cannery and turns on everyone who enabled him taking them down.
  11. My brother just saw a quote that said QAnon was Scientology for trailer parks. I about spit my whiskey out.
  12. Tuberville has been projected to win.
  13. Tuberville has been projected to win.
  14. Tuberville has been projected to win.
  15. Tuberville has been projected to win.
  16. I’m in a neighborhood with about 2000 houses. Been here 6 years and we have polling location at the welcome center. We are in a formally rural area quickly becoming suburbs.
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