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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 1978horn

  1. I'm out towards Dripping and love it. Schools out there are great and more and more businesses are moving out that way as well so you don't have to drive to Austin to shop or get good food. They are going to be building a ton of new houses out that way though, so it may not be what you are looking for. Traffic is going to increase a lot, but the freeway being extended past the Y in Oak Hill will help.
  2. https://twitter.com/TarHeelFootball/status/1067425058224783360
  3. There is a lot of talent in NC that is leaving NC to the states surrounding it. If he can get those players and develop them it would be a great hire. Develop is the keyword though...don't know if he has it in him and if he doesn't then he will need to make the right hires to do it, which he has shown to not be very good at in the latter part of his time here.
  4. I think this is probably what they are thinking. Odds of him saying "put the bb's back in the box" at the first presser?
  5. 1978horn


    Don't have a 4k yet. I'm sure I will in the future, but the TV's I have now need to go out first.
  6. 1978horn


    12 year old has the original Xbox one and wants to upgrade. Is the X that much better than the S?
  7. All my in-laws are Heels and they have no idea what to think right now. They are manic right now...this is good, no this is bad, WTF is going on, can this work, do we hire stud OCs and make them coach in waiting. He was going a million miles and hour and he is usually the stable one.
  8. Haha, that would be a hard no...on multiple angles
  9. Wife(no pics) swam for the Horns and placed 8th at the Olympic trials. Her siblings all swam for UNC and her sister(no pics) placed 5th at the Olympic trials.
  10. Yes and paid for by investments in the Amero
  11. Went into my 12 year old sons room to say good night. Son: Hey Dad, do you like Imagine Dragons? Me: No Son: Your supposed to say yes! Do you like Imagine Dragons? Me : Yes Son: Imagine Dragon my balls on your face! Me: That was funny, good one! Going to say goodnight to my daughter after that exchange and hear my wife yell out my sons name! Me while walking by his room: No your audience son. Wife thought it was funny later when we talked about it though.
  12. Good news is that traffic was spectacular this morning. Betting on people freaking out and not going to work. We should do this everyday.
  13. They are saying as many as 8 gates. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/lake-austin-homeowners-told-to-prepare-as-more-floodgates-may-open/1531205443
  14. Wow, been on that part of LBJ a ton. My kids used to use the rope swing under that bridge!
  15. KXAN just said that Lake Marble Falls could go up another 6ft
  16. Had some roommates in the late 90's that went exploring in the tunnels under campus. They went down there more than once.
  17. WTF? This is a clock management problem....dumb announcers
  18. Is that where Jorge’s used to be? We used to eat there all the time as a kid.
  19. From what I remember back then, the gate they put in the outfield that Mitch went out of was the payment for using the field. That gate wasn’t there when I played on it a year or so prior.
  20. Don't know the particular ones. Friends that were extras mentioned it years ago. I haven't been able to identify them when watching the movie. It is possible that they never made it into the movie.
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