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Everything posted by Fastbreak

  1. Just took off this Costco brisket, smoked 8 hours overnight. Salt, pepper and a bit of Meat Church for color.
  2. I only had 274 followers, but I’m out… Musk can EABD
  3. no, i am just not ready to hand the keys to the guy...a win is great no matter
  4. i wonder if she workshopped the butt plug line or just was riffing
  5. TY is cool and all, but not sure why they guaranteed his money. seems like a bad decision, but F Jerry ig
  6. Drill baby, drill! I need to take my F350 to Walmart to get some Chinese stuff I don’t need.
  7. From awhile back I had said that I was going to pick up a LP or SG while I was in Texas to take back to Singapore. I ended up going with an Epiphone Slash LP. I got a decent deal from Sweetwater and I think it looks better than a lower end Gibson. Only 1 minor flaw with one of the knobs. Besides that it is tight.
  8. Canadian born and holding 3 other citizenships. I’m pretty sure this guy was a bad actor where BG was a political pawn.
  9. He is also a piece of work. Kicked out of the Marines for running a bunch of grifts and scams, has lied about his past employment and college education (under oath) and was caught red headed the ruskies with cash and a data dump. I’m surprised trump didn’t trade bigly for him, he seems like a perfect maga.
  10. Been on the plane 3 hours and haven’t moved an inch. It makes the upcoming 14 hour flight much more enjoyable. I remember why I fly Emirates usually and avoid United.
  11. I am in my seat at the gate of a United flight delayed for “technical reasons” from Singapore to San Francisco. They just sent a dude out on the wing with some duct tape. We should be good right? Duct take can fix anything I’m told.
  12. We will have his degree and a few good memories on the field. Longhorn forever
  13. What you talking bout averages?
  14. I just can’t believe how bad he is
  15. I have watched almost every game and I’ve felt the female announcers have been consistently better than their male counterparts.
  16. They are going to demolish the new stadium after the WC? Seems legit.
  17. The offsides rule is not really accomplishing what it’s intent is. It is my understanding that the rule was put in place to prevent offensive players from hanging out by the goal. But this isn’t what is happening. 100% of the time the rule is enforced from getting a 1-3 yard run on. Why is this a problem? Without this rule the defenders would just play further back or change the defensive formation. Sure, call it for cherry picking. But when the defenders are at midfield then too bad…
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