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Everything posted by 27-25

  1. That didn't go beyond the LOS, right?
  2. Glorious! OU not so great when holding is called.
  3. Alexander Stephens himself said slavery was the "cornerstone" of their beliefs causing the break. The actual Confederates said the quiet part out loud. There should be no debate or confusion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornerstone_Speech Shit like this leaves me to believe we may have reached (or already passed) the practical limits of human intelligence. This is/was as good as it gets. Happy Holidays!
  4. We took our tree down around December 8th. Our new kittens would not leave the damn thing alone. More persistent than any other cats we've had. So Dec. 27th is not too early!
  5. What are these jokers doing vacationing in Tehran in 1943? Don't they know there's a war going on?!?!?!?
  6. And don't forget Harmon County. The Texas border should be the North Fork of the Red River. That would also make Darrel Royal a native Texan. Wins all around.
  7. Oh, look! A brand new poster telling is how strong Russia is. And that maybe, just maybe, the US might be able to beat Russia. Just 53 miles from their own border. Strong indeed.
  8. I look at the Article III Project acronym in the background and I immediately wondered why there was a Russian word there.
  9. Modeling AI on human behavior as seen on Twitter means every person who has screamed about the dangers of AI getting out of control were not just right. They were downplaying the danger.
  10. I've been told that Huskies are assholes. The dogs, that is. UW grads? Not sure.
  11. And even secretly trained the German Air Force in violation of the Versailles Treaty prior to World War II. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipetsk_fighter-pilot_school Russians seem like they suck.
  12. Yeah, I recall them giving up some Migs and in return Poland and a couple of other countries provided air coverage for them until they could get western planes in place. So, you're welcome Slovakia!
  13. Bananna republic? What's the extra 'N' stand for? Dare I ask?
  14. And I'm not sure if this is an issue in Britain or not, but if the ATM offers to convert the money for you, don't (i.e. withdraw in dollars and let the ATM change into pounds). Third party ATMs use a different, less generous, exchange rate than your bank is likely to do. I've heard it's an issue in Czechia and I've seen it in Germany.
  15. The Olympic Committee showing a bit of backbone. Sort of. Still punts on whether Russians will be allowed to participate, probably under a "neutral" flag.
  16. Reagan gets credit for the economic recovery that followed Paul Volcker's steps to curb inflation. Who nominated Volcker as chairman of the Fed? Jimmy Carter. Life isn't fair and politics even less so.
  17. His anecdote includes the word "sir" in the quote. That's a telltale sign it's all bullshit. Name this expert. Who is it Donald? Maybe he and that Finnish forest raker can save us here in CA. Such a damn moron.
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