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Everything posted by Mdhorn

  1. Meanwhile, we miss pretty easy ISU holds. It's crap. Texas should be better than this but they'll play to what they're given vs taking. This team has been skating by and doing the minimum to win. But this ISU team is so bad, so what. Give them the shitty refs. Hoping Texas explodes and play to fuck these bums up.
  2. He damn near has to have guys running free to hit them. He won't throw it away and puts too much air under when leading at times so that it still goes behind the receiver. He's missing short out routes. He's not a 5 star qb right now. He's got the talent but is just mental.
  3. WR watches the ball go the opposite way deep and never runs to the ball.
  4. Gunner is prolly open all the time because nobody suspects he'll roll out. He and Whittington.
  5. Weak ass block in the back call. Ok, I'm fine with this, but call it both ways.
  6. Did it again just now for a first.
  7. She's hitting the Jackie Stallone freeway to cosmetic insanity pretty fast. next stop: Then it's nosedive into late Jackie Carrot Top valley.
  8. They're just a mob with tiki torches now--ready to burn whatever down with their God's guidance. Their God, however, doesn't like to write stuff down because it would be incriminating and he's fine with his mob getting locked up, just not him. He's a lead from the car going in the opposite direction kind of a guy. Real standup pos.
  9. Yes, and also Biden hired hella competent people, rather than lackeys and burn it down folks. Because laws and shit working matters.
  10. Didn't they use to have one of these at Hermann Park in Houston? As a kid, I imagined it was enormous and went up the sky. What a disappointment age makes.
  11. If Texas keeps playing that close, shit happens. They're a defensive back stumble away from losing. Thankfully, they were able to defend the cockroaches well in the red zone. I hate that they build leads in the first and then self destruct in the second. This many times is more than just other team adjustments.
  12. Sark is becoming an escape artist. Every week we watch this team build a lead and then watch it deteriorate with penalties and outright no fucks to give. Thankfully, this didn't go OT to yet another shitty team. Next week it's a night game at ISU. Fingers crossed Texas survives the expected second half melt down.
  13. I can't wait to see what they do with the "cardinal."
  14. The Spits and Die Spitz announced Texas tour in January. I've seen the Spits a few times and have always really liked them. Nothing great, just outlandish, dumb fun skate music. I'd see them again.
  15. Does anybody outside the beltway know anything about Hogan? Trump was a television celebrity that olds could endorse and said racist, mean stuff that appealed to bullies. Hogan is none of that, and was vocal about not supporting Trump on many issues. His time on the national stage would've been better as a moderate VP in the 80s. That's not coming back with this Republican base, they'll sit out before they support a moderate. And Rubio sounds too Mescan for a base, that largely sees all latinos or Spanish speakers as illegal Mexicans. Karen isn't trying to learn geography or ethnicity, she wants all latinos to go back to Mexico and blacks to keep serving her mint juleps while occupying separate facilities. America is growing, but not to their way of thinking. While targeted suppression is their means of control, they lost that with legislating choice that affected over half the population. Part of their delimma is whether they double down or pull back. Trump says fuck all that, I'll burn the party to the ground. And while I'm here for that, his fanatics and more GOP talking heads are for burning Democracy to the ground. Democracy is only useful if it works to serve them. Hogan/Rubio aint that ticket.
  16. Good luck with either on Christie, both have been taking a beating for years.
  17. Mississippi is going to double down on voter suppression. Bullies don't learn until they get punched in the mouth, and Mississippians are eventually going to have to take it into their hands and punch back. Virginia just kicked the dog shit out of Youngkin so bad his future may be as a fox commentator, rather than politician.
  18. I want to see and hear all day tomorrow Dem winners lead off any and all of their announcements with "The people have spoken, ....." just to spite the clowns on the right. Trump has one hand so far up the GOP's ass, he twitches his fingers and they nod and bobble their heads in unison to whatever vomitous diatribe is spewing from his ham hock jowls, while his other hand is cleaning their pockets. I hope he just keeps riding them right through the ground. For some reason, they just won't forsake their fat, orange god, and I'm here for it. Trump and MAGA's got the Libs on the run this time. More polls pleas, bring out your polls. And all those Liberal, pro abortion, pro crime messages you were airing nonstop in Virginia, worked great--money well spent, bravo. Really, give yourselves a hand, especially couldn't have done it without the anti abortion legislation and threats. Show us all how small government exists within a woman's vagina and her right to choose. Keep fucking that chicken.
  19. He may not go to jail, but he can be gutted like a pig by lawyers, as will his lawyers by their lawyers. I'll also support death by a thousand cuts.
  20. I'm waiting for Trump to announce that if he gets reelected, he'll head Social Security and make sure Americans finally get what they have coming to them. It'll be a landslide, a banner year for the Republicans, as they empty SS overnight. Trump will then tweet about how Biden and the blek guy took all the money, and flags will wave and effigies of Democratic leaders will burn. And as bizarre as this scenario seems, it's totally plausible.
  21. Nothing he ever says works. Multiple bankruptcies and failed marriages out front should have informed Americans.
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