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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. The transitive principle applies. They love Trump, Trump loves Putin, therefore they love Putin. They’re not conservative. That term has lost all meaning where the Trumpublicans are concerned. It’s just a meaningless label.
  2. Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation’s baby but same diff.
  3. Yeah, I’ve got other replies I want to make when I have time. But Jews and Arabs were living together in Palestine in relative peace prior to the Zionist movement and the Balfour Declaration. Those Jews were more similar culturally to their Arab neighbors. The influx of of European culture, from both the west and the east (for our Western sensibilities it should be noted that that included Bolshevik ideologies brought along with Eastern European Jews from nascent Soviet territories), ruffled the feathers of indigenous peoples on both sides, Arabs and Jews alike. Judaism isn’t a monolith. (And anti-Zionism =/= anti-Semitism.)
  4. Not the kind of “fatal” he deserves. He should consider himself lucky.
  5. I learned about his passing from Bob Weir’s IG. Yeah, the first thing I thought of was Blue Sky because it’s such a great road trip tune. Windows down, volume cranked up. I remember my first ABB awakening came when I was young, in high school and I was awake one morning listening to my clock radio. Ramblin’ Man came on and I wasn’t ready to get up yet so I just lied there and listened. I never really paid much attention. It sounded like kind of a country redneck tune with that twangy voice and I was pretty dismissive of it. But then it got to the guitar solo(s) part and I got it. I stumbled on this on YouTube tonight: The Dead and the All and crossed paths numerous times. Here’s an excerpt from the 4th set of the Dead in D.C. on 6/10/73 when they were joined by Betts and Butch Trucks. The whole set is killer if you dare to seek it out. RIP
  6. They’re all idiots. Trump especially.
  7. Fwiw, the Kennedy family is endorsing Joe Biden, not Jr. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/18/1245530551/kennedy-family-endorse-biden-not-rfk
  8. So? Are you suggesting the Bible endorses the good kind of slavery?
  9. They’ll never expand beyond four eight twelve teams…
  10. But the Bible endorses slavery. If you believe that the Bible is the holy word of God and if you really get your values from your scripture then you should be perfectly fine with slavery. That’s a-okay with God. He just tells you how to treat them, he never said slavery is wrong. But nobody gets their values from their scripture. They just interpret their scripture in whatever way is necessary to support the values they already have. It’s a myth that “mainstream Christianity” has ever approached anything that’s pure and loving and kind, anything that conforms to the teachings of the character Jesus in the Bible (which never included a denunciation of slavery). Religions are man-made socio-political institutions that evolve alongside the societies that practice them. Christianity has always been employed to defend our darkest impulses just as readily as, if not more-so than our finest.
  11. Fucking Barr, man. He should still hang for lying to America about the findings in the Mueller report. I saw a clip this morning of him on Fox News saying he’ll vote for Trump again. He said Trump is playing “Russian roulette,” (nice choice of words, you Russian-investigation-obfuscating piece of shit,) and that 4 more years of Biden would be “national suicide.” Really, Bill? Suicide? Seems the country is doing okay. I recall the same sort of hysterical warnings coming from the GOP about an Obama presidency but we had 8 years of Obama/Biden and came out better than before. Have we forgotten Trump’s gross incompetence and mismanagement of the pandemic? Yeah, thanks for testifying that Trump lost the election and warning that a second Trump term would be a “horror show.” You’re still a traitor and a spineless coward who at the end of the day will choose party over country every time.
  12. Unlike back when a whole lot of Christians in this country owned slaves.
  13. Lol, right. The audio of his “grab ‘em by the pussy” comment didn’t do it. Video of him shooting someone on Fifth Ave wouldn’t do it. His base is bereft of standards, values, or fixed principles of any kind. No decent person supports Trump. Its sad but true. It also makes them totally predictable. There is no bottom. Nothing that will change their minds.
  14. Yeah, um, her crooked dad taught her most of what she knows.
  15. I don’t know about God. But Jesus did. Matthew 19:21 (New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition) 21 Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money[a] to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” Footnote: [a] 19.21 Gk lacks the money
  16. Please, Mr. Spaceman, don’t take me along for a ride.
  17. Ukraine aid needs to get done ASAP. I’m not holding my breath and I’ve got a pretty cynical view of Johnson’s determination to get it done. But if it doesn’t get done then that will be a further indictment of the pro-Putin sympathies in the GOP.
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