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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. I think you pretty much have to believe that Judeo-Christian mythology is fact in order to argue that the Jews have a right to the land of Palestine as their ancestral home. That land hadn’t been majority Jewish in well over a thousand years. I think it’s reasonable to say that after you haven’t been living somewhere for more than a thousand years, you’ve given up the right to call it your land. If you try to take it back, you shouldn’t be surprised if the people who’ve been calling it their home for centuries don’t take too kindly to being replaced by outsiders, especially when deception is used as a tactic to accomplish that end. Say whatever you want but those people got screwed and have every right to be pissed. There will never be a two state solution because Israel will never offer the Palestinians a fair deal. So there will never be peace.
  2. Have you ever read the Old Testament?
  3. More on Ben-Gvir: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/02/27/itamar-ben-gvir-israels-minister-of-chaos
  4. Remember when the Republicans said they weren’t going to hold any vote until they knew they had enough yes votes to get their nominee elected? They probably should’ve stuck to that plan.
  5. Gym doesn’t think it’s a good show. Metaphors, how do they work?
  6. The best ones are even better the second time around. You pick up some things you missed the first time.
  7. We’ve known that since 1/6/21. You know, when they actually committed an act of terrorism live on TV for the whole world to see.
  8. It all fits with him complaining about having to flush ten times.
  9. It hasn’t yet. Every time the Republicans have shut down the gov’t in the past, they’re the ones who’ve taken the blame and rightly so.
  10. When I was in high school i knew a girl whose last name was Cox. Her parents named her Dreama. I know she wasn’t lying because she showed me her drivers license.
  11. Just going to let that block in the back go?
  12. True. The words stand for themselves. Nothing anti-Semitic about them. If you want to interpret them in some other way, that’s on you. I didn’t write the scripture but I can read.
  13. It poisons everything. And religious conservatives are the worst…in every religion. They’re the ones who don’t want peace. They’re the ones who assassinate their own leaders for trying to make peace with the other side like they did to Anwar Sadat in Egypt and Yitzhak Rabin in Israel (for separate peace deals, of course).
  14. He’s confusing religion with race.
  15. Now that’s a horrible take. It’s not anti-Semitic in the least.
  16. You don’t think they’re using their scripture to justify their claim to ownership of someone else’s land? If you don’t then you’re horribly wrong.
  17. Israel has ownership of Palestinian lands written into their sacred text. The god they invented promised it to them in a book they wrote thousands of years ago.
  18. Israel will not allow Palestine to be a country with the same rights as any other country (like, most especially, the right to defend itself). Don’t ask what country it would be like because Israel won’t let it be, period.
  19. They were going to do that anyway.
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